Praise be to Allaah.
We praise Allah, may He be exalted, for having enabled you to
adhere to hijaab and we ask Him to increase you in guidance and
steadfastness in following the truth.
Mixing between men and women in schools, workplaces and so on
involves many risks and evils, and its negative and harmful consequences are
clear and cannot be denied, even in Western countries themselves.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him)
When men mix with women, it is like mixing fire and wood. End
quote from al-Istiqaamah, 1/361
For more information, see the answer to question no.
The danger is worse in the school where you are studying
because there are no Muslims there.
Based on that, it is not permissible for you to carry on
studying in this school, and if you have a permissible means of learning
that does not involve mixing, such as online learning and so on, this is
what you have to do. If that is not easily available, then you should move
to another school where there are Muslims; this is less bad than where you
are now.
You have to avoid mixing with men/boys and speaking to them
as much as possible, and let your friends only
be Muslim girls. For more
information please see the answers to questions no.
72448 and
With regard to your saying “how should I interact with my
male friends and female friends?”
With regard to your male classmates, it is not permissible
for you take them as friends.
With regard to your female friends, you have stated that they
are not Muslim. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) urged
us to make good choices of friends and choose those who are religiously
committed and of good character, because a person will be influenced by his
friend and will imitate him. And the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace
of Allah be upon him) said: “A man will follow the religion of his close
friend, so let each of you look to who he takes a close friend.” Narrated by
Ahmad. 7968; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth
al-Saheehah, 927
It says in Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi: i.e., a person will
follow the habits, way and behaviour of his friend, so let him think long
and hard about who he takes as a friend; if someone's religious commitment
and character are good, then take him as a friend, otherwise avoid him,
because the behaviour of your friends will influence you and the company you
keep has an impact, be it positive or negative
With regard to your saying that you do not want the people
around you to have a bad impression of Islam and Muslims, and think that
Muslims are antisocial and did not like to meet their friends, especially
when they have been accepting of these changes you have made your life:
Islam does not tell Muslim to keep away from people and not
have any friends; rather it enjoins us to keep away from evil and to avoid
places of temptation, and to keep away from people who may cause you to
disobey Allah.
What is required of the Muslim is to adhere to the rulings of
sharee‘ah and give a good impression of Islam to non-Muslims, by showing
them that Islam is a religion of chastity, modesty and good morals, and that
it does not permit its followers to follow whims and desires and
temptations. Islam forbids immorality and evil, which includes free mixing
between men and women, as mentioned above.
We ask Allah to guide you to that which is good for you in
this world and in the Hereafter.
And Allah knows best.
Islam Q&A
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