Friday, February 25, 2011

Nooniyah al-Qahtaani [Arabic]

الإمام أبي محمد الأندلسي القحطاني

Nooniya al-Qahtaani

By Imaam Abu Muhammad al-Andalusi al-Qahtaani

يا منزل الآيات والفرقان *** بيني وبينك حرمة القرآن
إشرح به صدري لمعرفة الهدى *** واعصم به قلبي من الشيطان

“O Revealer of the Verses and the Criterion,
Between You and I is the sanctity of the Qur’aan
With it open up my heart to acknowledge the guidance,
And with it protect my heart from the Shaytan

يسر به أمري وأقض مآربي *** وأجر به جسدي من النيران
واحطط به وزري وأخلص نيتي *** واشدد به أزري وأصلح شاني

With it ease my affairs and settle my needs
And with it save my body from the Fire
With it lighten my load and purify my intention
And with it increase my strength and rectify my state

واكشف به ضري وحقق توبتي *** واربح به بيعي بلا خسراني
طهر به قلبي وصف سريرتي *** أجمل به ذكري واعل مكاني

With it remove my harm and confirm my repentance
And with it make me profit from my pledge without any loss
With it cleanse my heart and purify my character,
And with it beautify my reputation and raise my rank

واقطع به طمعي وشرف همتي *** كثر به ورعي واحي جناني
أسهر به ليلي وأظم جوارحي *** أسبل بفيض دموعها أجفاني

With it cut of my greed, and honour my ambitions
And with it increase my piety and give life to my heart
With it pass my night and make thirsty my limbs,
And soak my eyelashes with the abundance of tears

أمزجه يا رب بلحمي مع دمي *** واغسل به قلبي من الأضغاني
أنت الذي صورتني وخلقتني *** وهديتني لشرائع الإيمان

Mix it with my flesh O my Lord along with my blood,
And with it wash my heart from malice
You are the One who fashioned me and created me
And guided me to the fountains of Imaan

أنت الذي علمتني ورحمتني *** وجعلت صدري واعي القرآن
أنت الذي أطعمتني وسقيتني *** من غير كسب يد ولا دكان

You are the One who taught me and had mercy on me
And made my heart heedful to the Qur’aan
You are the One who fed me and made me to drink
Without my earning it by hand or via trade

وجبرتني وسترتني ونصرتني *** وغمرتني بالفضل والإحسان
أنت الذي آويتني وحبوتني *** وهديتني من حيرة الخذلان

And You restored me, covered me and aided me
And enveloped me in Grace and Goodness
You are the One who gave me refuge and awarded me
And guided me from the confusion of disappointment and loss

وزرعت لي بين القلوب مودة *** والعطف منك برحمة وحنان
ونشرت لي في العالمين محاسنا *** وسترت عن أبصارهم عصياني

And You have planted love for me between hearts,
And the inclination from You is by way of mercy and affection
And You have spread goodness out for me amongst the people
And You have hid my sin from their eyes

وجعلت ذكري في البرية شائعا *** حتى جعلت جميعهم إخواني
والله لو علموا قبيح سريرتي *** لأبى السلام علي من يلقاني

And You have made my reputation amongst the people widespread
Until You made them all my brothers
By Allaah, had they known the ugliness of my inner self,
Whoever met me would have refused to greet me

ولأعرضوا عني وملوا صحبتي *** ولبؤت بعد كرامة بهوان
لكن سترت معايبي ومثالبي *** وحلمت عن سقطي وعن طغياني

And they would have shunned me and be disgusted with my friendship
And I would have drawn on myself disgrace after honour
But You covered my faults and defects,
And You bore my sin and my tyranny

فلك المحامد والمدائح كلها *** بخواطري وجوارحي ولساني

So all Praise is to You, and all commendations
With my thoughts, my limbs and my tongue

To be continued inshaa’Allaah

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