Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Had A Great Workout @ The Gym ! Alhamdulilahh :)
Feeling like a MILLION BUCKS!


  1. dear sister, i love this blog but it seems that your miss the point of this blog your into states that(Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu! Welcome to QawlanSaqeela [a heavy word] Here insha'Allah you will learn many new things about Islam & through different posts you can understand that applying Islam into your life is more easier then you thought. Alhamdulilah Canadian sister out to make a difference & help people come closer to Allah(swt) through the Quran&Sunnah! Purpose of this blog is to REMIND, because "Verily the reminder, benefits the believer"! Alhamdulilahi Rabbil Alimeen<3)you write personal stuff that does not teach about islam or the sunnah.its your blog thou i just tried to point it out.If i made you angry or feel bad i am very sorry may Allah forgive me

  2. I love a great reminder & I understand what you mean by your message! jazakullah kair :) I just feel at times my blog is my outlet & being in good shape/healthy is also part of islam! So my message can motivate someone to start taking care of them self! wallahu alam. once again jazakullah kair!

  3. I am very sorry that i didnt consider this.Jazakallahu firdaws for your kind words.Am so sorry for my unkind words

  4. No problem uhktii ! I appreciate any reminders or comments, your words were not unkind they made me think & jazakullah kair for that because i renewed my intention as to why I blog to begin with lol..there was a lesson in it for me! so thank you :)
