Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Personal 36

So many things have been done in my morning, it's finally time for me time. Alhamdulilah, this break is going by so fast I'm sad but not as sad because I kind of miss it. Maybe I'm saying this because my exams were done so early like at the beginning of DECEMBER! Amazing, I know tabarakAllahh. I'm just trying to use the most of my time in a beneficial way insha'Allah, there are ALOT of conferences during the 24&25&26 - kind of difficult choosing the one conference to attend. Insha'Allah I'll be posting some of the fliers so that you all can get the info & attend insha'Allah =D Right now, I'm enjoying my evening listening to quran, pampering myself & trying to memorize for my upcoming Quran Class. Thank Allah for Fridays =D

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