Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu
I haven't been on my blog for a couple of days now, but
Subahan'Allahhh how fast the days go by now? am I the only one feeling it?
Although its been going by really fast, alhamdulilah I can look back at it & know I spent it trying to get closer to Allah (swt) & trying to please my Lord. The love that I have for my masjid is tremendous that I can't even describe it. All the ups & downs me and the sisters faced, the problems that needed to be settled between masjid groups & the endless dua and iman building that was done is all just too much to fit into one of these blog journal entries.
Those who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who persevere, those who bow down, those who prostrate, and those who enjoin good and forbid evil, [9:112]
Nevertheless it takes a team effort to make a beautiful thing happen, & having amazing sisters on board with the masjid is a blessing in it's self. I love them for the sake of Allah.
& I ask Allah to Reward Each& Every One of Their Efforts in Helping Maintain Stability in the Masjid, Bayyatullah! ( House of Allah).
Islam is beautiful because as soon as you embrace it not only did you just find a beautiful religion about truth & honesty but you've also made 9835987397 new sisters. That's right! New Sisters, there to help you when you fall & to mentor you & to give you advice.
so your probably thinking,
Allah the Most High said: Let there be among you a community who enjoin good and forbid evil; it is they that shall be successful, [3:104] and: You are the best community that has ever been brought forth for mankind: you enjoin good and forbid evil, and you believe in God, [3:110]
Sisters who spend there time in the House of Allah enjoining in ; praying, reading quran, attending classes, cleaning the masjid.
Those are the sisters who'd be a perfect match for a sister who needs a good surrounding.
The House of Allah is for everyone.
It's Free.
A walk for some, a bus token for others.
Remember that's a good deed for every step you take trying to come closer to Allah(swt) !
The One In Need of Allah The Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela
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