Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Slaughtering In The Name of Who?


Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu

Subhanallah, its literally 6:20am and I'm wasn't able to fall a sleep after Fajr but anyways I was on Islam QA (www.islamqa.com). A site most oftenly used to answer many peoples questions on various topics marriage, wealth, education so on and so forth.

I was reading question 44730.

& the question was
;When is slaughtering for someone other than Allaah regarded as shirk?

This is a serious topic, holds someones faith together!

TAWHEED: means devoting worship only to Allaah.

& It's ajeeb cause not too long ago my mom was telling me how it was a custom in a east african country ( afwaan, can't give it away) that people would slaughter an animal after a death!

Alhamdulilah, my mom does not hold such events. It's not from Islam & Subahan'Allah it had me confused for a while..Shirk or Not Shirk? That is the question right!

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

Slaughter means killing by shedding the blood in a specific manner, which is done in several ways:

1 – That which is done as an act of worship with the intention of venerating the one for whom the sacrifice is done and humbling oneself before him and drawing closer to him. This may only be done for Allaah in the manner prescribed by Allaah. Doing this for anyone other than Allaah is major shirk. The evidence for that is the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say (O Muhammad): Verily, my Salaah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allaah, the Lord of the ‘Aalameen (mankind, jinn and all that exists)”

[al-An’aam 6:162]

Well after reading that question on Islam QA, it made it quite clear that it was wrong. Your probably thinking "Oh, maybe they fed miskeeen people!" Sorry to say brothers/sisters it wasn't ment for them :( Nevertheless, we should give them the benefit of the doubt and this is why there is no safer way then following the Sunnah. If a book had all the answers in it & you were aloud to use it during a test (aka not cheating) ,would you still try to figure it out on your own?

All I'm saying is..Islam is easy alhamdulilah and better yet made simple for us to follow. Extra stuff is just nonsense and it's hard telling older aunts/uncles that their wrong but what if Allah questions us & asks us why didn't we warn them or tell them to stop???

"Enjoin (people) to Al-Ma'ruf (good) and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (evil)." [Quran 31:17]

Insha'Allahh Check Out The Question On The Website!

The one in need of Allah the Exalted,

Qawlan Saqeela

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