Monday, February 14, 2011

The Prostrations of Forgetfulness - Sujood us-Sahu

source: silsilat ul-hudaa wa nnoor – the series of guidance and light - tape no. 183 (a), tape no. 133 (b), tape no. 259 (c), tape no. 406 (d), tape no. 81 (e)
*Question #6: (a) “What is the general rule of the sujood us-sahu (prostrations of forgetfulness)?”

Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) answers: “(It is due upon a person) under any circumstances if (something was done or not done in prayer) out of forgetfulness, even if it is a sunnah.”

*Question #12: (b) “Is the sujood us-sahu before the salaam or after the salaam?”

Shaykh al-Albaani answers: “Regarding every sujood us-sahu, its doer has the choice between prostrating before the salaam or after the salaam. And the detailed explanation that is mentioned in some books, especially the Hanbali ones, that (the sujood us-sahu) is before the salaam for making additions (in the prayer), and after the salaam for omissions, this is baseless. Those who say it, they saw some occurrences to which the likes of this detail applied, but there are (also) occurrences that nullify this detail. Therefore, a person has the choice between 1-making the tasleem then prostrating, and 2-not making the tasleem and prostrating then making the tasleem of exiting the prayer.”

*Question #7: (c) “When is the sujood us-sahu, before the salaam or after it?”

Shaykh al-Albaani answers: “The one who forgets in prayer has a choice: if he wants, he makes the tasleem (first) and that is absolutely better; and if he wants, he does not make the tasleem except after completing the two prostrations of forgetfulness.”

*Question #10: (d) “What does the one who forgets (in prayer) say during the sujood us-sahu?”

Shaykh al-Albaani answers: “The same as the usual (dhikr[1] said during prostrating and sitting in-between the prostrations); i.e., there isn’t anything special.”

*Question #3: (e) “Does the prayer become invalid if the sujood us-sahu is left out on purpose?”

Shaykh al-Albaani answers: “If he intentionally leaves out the sujood us-sahu, the prayer does not become invalid. But, he will be a sinner because of his leaving out the two prostrations of forgetfulness that the Messenger (of Allaah) (‘alayhi ssalaam) has ordered.”

[1] words of remembrance of Allaah

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