Saturday, July 21, 2012

Memorizing the Quran

[ Part Eight of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, "Min Ma'een al-Imaam Ahmad" ("Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad") by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]
Memorizing the Quran

From the noteworthy sayings of Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have Mercy on him) is his statement, “‘Azeezun ‘alayya that the dunyaa melts the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran!” He said (repeating), “It is hard for me to accept that the dunyaa could melt the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran.”

If a man is able to carry (memorize) the Quran with him by heart, then verily Allaah has given him a great bounty indeed. On the Day of Judgment it will be said to the recitor of the Quran: “Read, ascend, and recite with rhythm as you used to recite rhythmically in the dunyaa! For verily your place will be determined by the last verse you recite.” [1]

The one who memorizes the Quran is the most deserving of the people to be obedient. The one who memorizes the Quran is the most deserving of the people to possess humility. He is the most deserving of the people to be one who strives hard for Paradise and flees from the Hellfire. The one who memorizes the Quran is the most deserving of the people to not be swept under by the dunyaa.
This is why the imam (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said, “‘Azeezun ‘alayya that the dunyaa melts the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran!” For the person of understanding, which is better – the dunyaa or the Quran? Is there anything comparable to it? Is there anything similar?
Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted, has said in Soorah Yoonus [2]:

( Say: Let them rejoice over Allaah’s Bounty and His Mercy, As it is better than everything they gather! )

Ibn Abee Haatim [3] reported a story in explanation of this verse, saying:

When the camels that people paid their zakaat with arrived, one of ‘Umar’s servants (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, ‘O Commander of the Believers! Could we take a look at the camels of zakaat?’ So they went to see the camels that were kept caged in the outskirts of Al-Madeenah.

When they saw the camels, the servant became fascinated by their great number and said, ‘O Commander of the Believers! This is Allaah’s Bounty and His Mercy!’ ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) looked at him and said, “You have lied! Allaah’s Bounty and His Mercy is the Quran! (Say: Let them rejoice over Allaah’s Bounty and His Mercy, As it is better than everything they gather! ) Rather these camels are what the people gather!” [4]
Rarely could the dunyaa melt the one who memorizes the Quran, learns its explanation, has a special relationship with it, prays with it, or leads the people in prayer with it. Rarely could he be someone who follows his desires! Rarely could he slip into doubts or fall victim to his lusts! Rarely could the one who memorizes the Quran, the one known by the Quran, be a person of disobedience and neglect while Allaah has honored him by causing his heart to contain the Speech of Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted
What a great statement! He was grieving, “‘Azeenun ‘alayya,” meaning it is a great burden on him, “That the dunyaa melts the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran.”

What is the dunyaa anyway with its lofty status? What is the dunyaa with all its wealth and women? What is the dunyaa and everything in it compared to the Speech of Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted?!
The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) described the two rak’ahs before the Fajr Prayer:
“The two rak’ahs of Fajr are better than the dunyaa and everything in it.” [5]

This is for the one who understands the reality of the Religion and the reality of the return to Allaah.

[1] an authentic hadeeth found in Aboo Daawood and At-Tirmithee, on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him). Al-Albaanee declared it to be authentic in Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmithee (#2914).
[2] the meaning of Soorah Yoonus (10):58
[3] The shaykh said, “Aboo Haatim,” and he likely meant to say, “Ibn Abee Haatim.”
[4] Tafseer Al-Quran Al-’Atheem (#10435, 6/1960) of Imam Ibn Abee Haatim
[5] an authentic hadeeth collected by Imam Muslim, on the authority of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her)

Translation, Titles, and Footnotes by: Moosaa Richardson

Guidelines Concerning Usage of Time, and Protecting Time

Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen was asked,“What are your guidelines concerning usage of time, and protecting it from being wasted?”
He said, “It is necessary for a student of knowledge to protect his time from being wasted. Time-wasting occurs in a number of ways:

That one leaves learning and revising what one has read. That one sits with his friends and indulges in vain talk which contains no benefit. This is the most harmful of them upon a student of knowledge: That he has no concern except pursuing people’s statements, [for] “maa qeela wa qaala”(What was said and what he said),

and [for] “maa hasala wa maa yahsul” (What occurred and what is taking place), regarding an issue of no concern to him. No doubt, this is from a weak Islaam, as the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,

“From a person’s good Islaam is to leave that which doesn’t concern him.”

Busying oneself with “Qeela wa qaala” (What was said and what he said), and excessive questioning are time-wasters. In reality it is a disease which, when it comes into man - we ask Allaah for well-being - it becomes his greatest concern. He may show enmity to one who does not deserve enmity, or he may ally one who doesn’t deserve alliance due to concerning himself with these issues, which busy himself away from knowledge, with the pretext of “championing the truth”, while this is not the case. Rather, this is pertaining to occupying oneself with an issue which does not concern him.
If a report comes to you, without you having pursued it or sought it, then all people receive news but they don’t busy themselves with it, nor does it become their greatest concern, because this occupies the student of knowledge. It corrupts his affair, and opens for the ummah the door of hizbiyyah (partisanship) then the ummah will split.”

-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-`Uthaymeen Monday, February 27, 2006 This fatwaa (Islaamic verdict) is taken from “Kitaabul-’Ilm”of Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen compiled by Shaykh Fahd ibn Naasir ibn Ibraaheem as-Sulaymaan, printed by Daar ath-Tharya lin-Naashir

The Legislative Names of Ahlul- Sunnah

Let us begin briefly defining the titles of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah:

1.) Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah: This name is from the famous names which Ahlus-Sunnah is known by. It is applied in conjunction with As-Sunnah. So it is said: “Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah”. And it may come singularly, so that it is said: “Ahlus-Sunnah” and it is said: “Ahlul-Jamaa’ah”; and it (the latter) is used infrequently. That which is more commonly used is coupling it with As-Sunnah. Ibn Taymiyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: “The Sunnah is linked to the unity just as innovation is linked to separation. So it is said: Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (the People of the Sunnah and the Jamaa’ah), just as it is said: Ahlul-Bid’ah wal-Firqah (the People of Innovation and Division).”[5] From the reasons for them being called by this name: Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, is that they are distinguished by two magnificent characteristics: The First: Their clinging to the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ to the point that they became its people; as opposed to the rest of the groups. For they cling to their opinions, their desires, and the statements of their leaders. So they are not ascribed to the Sunnah. They are only ascribed to their innovations, their leaders or their actions, as has preceded. The Second: They are the people of the Jamaa’ah due to their unification upon the Truth and their not being disunited. As opposed to the other groups; for they are not united upon truth. They only follow their desires, so no truth unties them. Shaykhul-Islaam said in defining Ahlus-Sunnah: “They cling to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ and that which the first and foremost ones, from the Muhaajiroon, the Ansaar and those who followed them in goodness, agreed upon.”[6]

2.) Ahlul-Hadeeth (the People of Hadeeth): From the names which Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah are called by is: Ahlul-Hadeeth. This has come frequently in the speech of many of the Imaams; such as Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah and others from the people of knowledge before him and after him. They mention Ahlul-Hadeeth and Ahlus-Sunnah clarifying their beliefs and not differentiating between the two usages. So here we have Imaam As-Saaboonee saying in his (book of) ‘Aqeedah: “Indeed the As-haabul-Hadeeth who cling to the Book and the Sunnah, may Allaah preserve the living from amongst them and have mercy upon their dead, they testify to the Uniqueness of Allaah the Exalted and to the Messengership and Prophethood of the Messenger ﷺ …”, up to the point wherein he said: “Allaah has given refuge to Ahlus-Sunnah (shielding them) from At-Tahreef (distortion), At-Takyeef (questioning the howness of Allaah’s Attributes), and At-Tashbeeh (likening Allaah to His Creation). He has favored them with cognizance and comprehension.”[7] Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah said: “The Madh-hab of the Salaf, Ahlul-Hadeeth was-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah…”[8] So that which is intended by (the term) Ahlul-Hadeeth in the books of beliefs of the Salaf, is that they are Ahlus-Sunnah. Ibn Taymiyah said: “We do not mean , by Ahlul-Hadeeth, those who stop short at its traditions, books or narrations. Rather, we mean, by them (Ahlul-Hadeeth) every person who actualizes its preservation, its knowledge and its understanding outwardly and inwardly; and following it outwardly and inwardly. Likewise is Ahlul-Qur’aan.”[9]

3.) Al-Athariyyah or Ahlul-Athar (the People of Narrations): Many of the people of knowledge use this title meaning thereby Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Hadeeth. Ibn Aboo Haatim Ar-Raazee said: “Our Madh-hab and that which we choose as a way is following the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ, his companions and the Taabi’een; clinging to the Madh-hab of Ahlul-Athar such as Aboo Abdullah Ahmad ibn Hanbal.”[10] He said in another place: “The sign of the people of innovations is fighting of Ahlul-Athar. The sign of the heretics (Az-Zanaadiqah) is their calling Ahlus-Sunnah Hashawiyah (the worthless ones). The sign of the Qadariyyah is their calling Ahlul-Athar Mujabbirah (people who believe that man has no free will). The sign of the Murji’ah is their calling Ahlus-Sunnah: ‘Mukhaalifah’ (opposers) and ‘Nuqsaanaiyyah’ (those who fell short). The sign of the Raafidhah is their calling Ahlus-Sunnah: ‘Naasibah’ (those who have enmity for the household of the Prophet, ﷺ)”[11] That has come within the speech of many of the Imaams; such as Aboo Nasr As-Sijzee, Ibn Taymiyah, As-Safaareenee and other than them from the people of knowledge. [12] They named them with that ascription to Al-Athar (the narrations) and within the legislative usage Al-Athar is a synonym for Al-Hadeeth. The meaning of: Ahlul-Athar, as As-Safaareenee said, is: “Those who only take their Aqeedah from that which has been narrated from Allaah, Majestic is His status, in His book or in the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, or that which is affirmed and is authentically reported from the Salaf As-Saalih from the noble companions and their dignified followers.”[13] This (term) has the meaning of Ahlus-Sunnah, within the application of the Salaf.[14]

4.) Al-Firqah An-Naajiyah (the Saved Sect): Meaning: saved from the fire since the Prophet ﷺ excluded them when he mentioned the groups and said: “All of them in the fire except one.” Meaning (one) is not in the fire. [15] The Shaykh Al-Haafidh Al-Hakamee said in Ma’aarij Al-Qubool[16]: “The truthful one, the one who is believed (i.e. the Prophet- ﷺ) has informed us that the saved sect are they who are upon the likes of what he and his companions were upon.”

5.) At-Taa’ifah Al-Mansoorah (the Victorious Group): This title is taken from his ﷺ statement within the Hadeeth of Al-Mugeerah ibn Shu’bah, may Allaah be pleased with him: “There will not cease to be a group of my Ummah who are victorious, up until the command of Allaah comes while they are victorious.”[17]

6.) As-Salafiyyah or As-Salafiyoon (the Salafees): This is an ascription to the Salaf. And the Salaf, in the language, is plural for Saalif; and As-Saalif is the one who precedes. As-Salaf Al-Jamaa’ah are those who have preceded. From that is His, the Mighty and Majestic, statement:

فَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ سَلَفًا وَمَثَلًا لِلْآخِرِينَ

“And We made them predecessors and an example for the others” (Az-Zukhroof 43:56)

Al-Baghawee said in explanation of this verse: “The Salaf of are those who have preceded, from the forefathers. So (He is saying): We have made them as predecessors so that the later ones may be exhorted by them (their actions).” Ibn Al-Atheer said: “The Salaf of the person is he who has preceded him by death from his forefathers and relatives. Due to this the first generations from the Tabi’een are called As-Salaf As-Saalih.” This is its usage in the language. As for its legislative usage, then what is intended by As-Salaf As-Saalih? What is their methodology in ‘Aqeedah and what are the most prominent traits of their methodology. This is what we shall come to know, if Allaah wills, within the following lessons.

Translated by: Aboo Moosaa Raha Batts

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan Mubarak !

Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktu ! Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims in the world, May Allah fill our Ramadan with benefit and aid us in changing bad habits and adapting new ones! Ameen; This Ramadan lets try to become better people and do more in helping those who are needy this time of year, try to go to every taraweeh and tahjud and jumah this Ramadan. Also making a to-do-list is a great idea to help us stay on task and get things done bithnillahh, whatever your doing to stay busy in your worship this Ramadan remember that we need to from time to time renew our intentions in order to stear clear towards our goal and not be of those who regret their time being wasted during Ramadan.  Rabanna taqabbal minna innaka anta sami3ul 3aleem !

Monday, July 16, 2012

Exploring the Pyramids!

In a carriage exploring the pyramids, and our beautiful horse Zeinab
... It's a very interesting experience and the man in the imaamat was lecturing us on the history. In arabic its called Ihramaat (Pyramids, Giza)

Personal 165

Yesterday I got to visit 2 of my grandmothers alhamdulilah and they are the sweetest people ever, May Allah preserve them, ameen. & both are so unique yet like best friends and my grandfather allah yarhamu past away some time ago but he had married them both, first he married my grandmother who is Eritrean and after her the 2nd one is Egyptian; now usually you'd think that they wouldnt like eachother and had jealously towards eachother because they shared the same husband but subhanallah i dont know how they were then but what ive known of them my whole life is that even after my grandfather passed away theyve been living together ever since and take care of eachother ma sha allah; their both old but my Eritrean grandmother is older then the Egyptian one and she takes care of her the most while needing someone to take care of her. Its really touching seeing them and observing how well they treat eachother just like 2 sisters, bestfriends etc May Allah reward them both, ameen. This story seems something from the past or something that would be told to teach a lesson to many but this is an honest true story of our time right now and subhanallah its truely amazing to be able to witness it, & the fact that I love them both so much it all means alot to me! May Allah increase us all in love for one another, ameen

Legislated Ranks of Wilaayah

In the Name of Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem... 

From the benefits of this short article is an important review of the rankings of walees for marriage, as quoted below (read the article at the URL above for more benefit):

Legislated Ranks of Wilaayah in Marriages

Let us take a moment to be clear on the legislated ranks of wilaayah in a marriage contract.  The following are the order of ranks, each of them being sound-minded adult men of the same religion:

Grandfather (from the father’s side)
Great Grandfather (from the father’s side)
Great Grandson
Oldest Full Brother
Next Oldest Full Brother (and so on…)
Oldest Half-Brother (from the Father’s side)
Next Oldest Half-Brother (from the Father’s side, and so on…) [1]
Oldest son of a Full Brother (Nephew)
Next Oldest Son of Full Brother (Nephew)
Oldest Son of a Half-Brother from the Father’s side (Nephew)
Next Oldest Son of a Half Brother from the Father’s side (Nephew)
Grandson of Full Brother (oldest first)
Grandson of Half-Brother from the Father’s side (oldest first)
Oldest Paternal Uncle
Next Oldest Paternal Uncle (and so on…)
Oldest Son of Paternal Uncle (Cousin) [2]
Next Oldest Son of Paternal Uncle (Cousin, and so on…)
Oldest Great (Paternal) Uncle
Next Oldest Great (Paternal) Uncle (and so on…) [3]

Important: Each of the above mentioned walees has the right to appoint someone on his behalf to act on his behalf.  So in this case, if the father appoints the brother to act as the walee, then he is the official and accepted walee, even in the presence of the grandfather, since the brother is the father’s chosen trustee and takes his place.

After these relatives have been exhausted, then a woman may seek to appoint a walee from outside her family through the Muslim authorities.
- Originally posted to (Compiled by Moosaa Richardson)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nile Cruise

Beautiful experience going on a mini Nile Cruise it's really beautiful and calm ma'sha'allahh!

Cairo Lights

A View of Cairo From Our Rooftop !

Masjid Al-Noor

Masjid Al-Noor !
 The masjids here are breath-taking Ma'sha'Allah; I'll be posting more pictures in'sha'Allah

Personal 164

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktu from Egypt! 23 days in cairo so far and time is flying subhanallah but im enjoying every minute of it, its people, its culture and just the muslim society in general is very interesting and beautiful. I could honestly live here for a very long time because of its very modern lifestyle but still preserving the great culture and religion of the past; its perfect for someone coming from the west cause its not a huge culture shock alhamdulilah. & its in Africa which is beautiful in general Ma'sha'Allah :) So far I've done alot of activites and met wonderful people who are welcoming aswell as warm and kind hearted & alhamdulilah ive got to see alot of the different areas people live in and its all just an adventure that I'm very thankful to Allah for blessing me with, alhamdulilah. Blessing to be in a muslim country also staying till Eid which is another great thing about my trip that I'm looking forward too! May Allah bless us all with the opportunity to go back to the muslim lands and back to our roots! Ameen ; I Love Egypt <3 xoxo

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The First Life

“And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.

The Description of the Worldly Women in Jannah

Bismillahi Wal hamdullillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu ‘alaa Rasoolillahi

Ammaa Ba’d:

The following are some text related to the women of Jannah, and I intend by the women of Jannah here, the women from the women of the Dunya who were successful in making it to Jannah. Since in the texts of the Book and the Sunnah, we understand that the women of Jannah are of two main types, The women of the Dunya who were rewarded with Jannah (From Mankind and the Jinn), and: The Hoorul Een who have never been in the dunya but were created in Jannah for Jannah.

It should also be Known that from the worldly women that are rewarded with Jannah there are those who are superior to the Hoorul Een.

The messenger – Sallallahu Alaihi Was Salam said: “The best women of Jannah are four Khadeejah Binti Khuwailid, Faatimah Binti Muhammad, Maryam Binti ‘Imraan and Aasiyah Binti Mazaahim the wife of Pharoah.. )
(Collected by Imaam Haakim in his ‘Mustadrak’ (3836))

Concerning the Hadeeth Imaamul Manaawi states:
“..he mentioned ‘.. Women of Ahlul Jannah’ and he didnt (just) say ‘Women‘ to prove that they are more virtuous than (even) the Hoor (Al Een), otherwise it would be believed that he (only) intended the women of this world..”

Indeed from the scholars are those who held that the women of Jannah who were in this world and earned Jannah are all better than the Hoorul Een, since one was created in Jannah, while the other was rewarded with Jannah through their Imaan and righteous deeds and thus are superior.
So there are a number of characteristics mentioned concerning the women of Jannah who were women from the children of Aadam that were rewarded with Jannah after being in the dunyah.
From that:

Allah will purify them!
Allah the most high says:
“And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds that for them will be gardens beneath which rivers flow. Everytime they will be provided with a fruit therefrom they will say this is what we were provided with before and they will be given things in resemblance and they will have therein purified spouses and they will abide therein forever”
(Suratul Baqarah Vs 25)

Concerning the portion of the verse “..they will have therein purified spouses” Ibn Abbaas and Ibn Mas’ood said: “They will not have menses, neither will that defecate, urinate, break wind or have mucus.

Allah will ‘recreate’ them!
Concerning the statement of Allah the most high:
Verily we will create them of special creation, and will make them virgins, Loving and playful (with their husbands) of equal age
(Suratul Waaqi’ah 35-37)
concerning the first verse mentioned here Qataadah and sa’eed ibn Jubair mentioned: ” i.e We Have created them anew”

Ibn Abbaas mentioned: “He (Allah) intends here, Adamiyaat (that is, women from the children of Aadam, since some held that the intent with the verse are the Hoorul ‘Aen’)

That which brings clarity to this is the hadeeth of the messenger -Sallallahu Alaihi was Salam “Elderly women will not enter Jannah” Upon hearing this an elderly woman began to cry so the messenger of Allah said: “Inform her that on that day she will not be elderly rather she will be youthful For indeed Allah has said: “Verily we will create them of special creation..”
(Collected by At Tirmidhi and declared ‘Hasan’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in ‘Ghaayatul Maraam p215)

Concerning the statement: ‘Uruban..(Loving and playful (with their husbands)
Ibn Abbaas mentioned: “Passionate and emotional with their husbands and their husbands are passionate and emotional with them
(Tafseer Ibn Katheer 7/533 – Darut Taiybah print)

They will be large Chested maidens
Concerning the statement of Allah
Gardens and grapeyards, and young full breasted maidens of equal age..”
(Suratul Naba Vs 32-33)

Ibn Katheer mentions:” It was mentioned by Ibn Abbaas, Mujaahid and others concerning the statement of Allah: “Kawaa’iba Atraabaa ‘That is they will be Full breasted young maidens, due to the fact that they will be virgins, Loving and playful (with their husbands) of equal age (since the people of Jannah will be of one age) as has been clarified in (the explanation of) Suratul Waaqi’ah
(Tafseer ibn Katheer 8/308 (Dar Tayyibah Print))

They will have the most beautiful clear skin!
Upon the authority of Abu Huriaira who said the prophet – Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Was Salam Said (describing the beauty of women in Jannah): “..Her marrow is visable beneath her skin, and there are no bachelors in Paradise
(Collected by Bukhaari and Muslim)

Concerning this description of her skin in the hadeeth Imaamul Iraaqi mentions in tarhu Tathreeb “..Her marrow is visable beneath her skin..” That is, from the extremely pure nature of her skin, one can see her marrow just as one can see the fine threads inside a very pure pearl..”
(Tarhu Tathreeb 9/226)
However this manifests, it will be beautiful!

They will continue to become more beautiful every friday….forever!
Upon the authority of Anas ibn Maalik who said that the Messenger of Allah  – Sallallahu alaihi wa Salam said: “Indeed in Jannah there is a market that will be attended (by the inhabitants of Jannah) every Jumu’ah, wherein a breeze will blow upon them from the north, it will blow in their faces and upon their garments and they will increase in good looks and beauty (due to it). They will return to their families who would also have become more good looking and beautiful. Their families will say to them ‘By Allah! you have become more good looking and beautiful since you have left us! and they will say back to them: ‘And you By Allah have become more good looking and beautiful since we have left out!’
one version mentions at its end ’..and that is every Jumu’ah’
(Collected by Muslim in his ‘Saheeh’)
Their beautiful fragrance
Upon the authority of Anas Ibn Maalik – Radhiyallahu ‘anhu – who said that the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam – Said: “..If a woman from the women of Jannah were to appear in this world, that which is between (the heavens and the earth) would be filled with her (beautiful) fragrance.

Their Brilliance!

Upon the authority of Anas Ibn Maalik – Radhiyallahu ‘anhu – who said that the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam – Said: “..If a woman from the women of Jannah were to appear in this world, that which is between (the heavens and the earth) would be filled with her (beautiful) fragrance. And they they would illuminate that which is between the heavens and the earth..“
The brilliant beauty of their garments alone
The previous hadeeth continues..

“.. The scarf that is on her head is better than the world and that which is upon it!”
(Collected By Tirmidhi (1651) and declared ‘Saheeh’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in Saheeh Sunan At Tirmidhi)
And as some of the salaf said: “If this is her scarf (or shawl) then what about her!. Think of All the tremendous beauty that is present in our present world and know that one of her accessories alone is better than it all!

This is just a portion of that which has occured concerning what is promised to her, that is not to mention all the other delights of Jannah that she will partake in alongside the men who enter.

Wallahu A’lam

Abu Hakeem Bilal

7 Practical Tips for Praying Qiyaam al-Layl

‘The Night Prayers’ by Muhammad Nasir ud-Deen al-Albanee (rahimahullah)
As-Sunnah Islamic Newsletter Issue 15
What is Qiyaam al-Layl?
Qiyaam' means 'standing' and 'Qiyaam al-Layl' means 'standing in night.' In the Islamic terminology, both terms refer to, 'the voluntary night prayer, whose time extends from after Isha prayer until dawn.' Other common names for Qiyaam al-Layl are, Salaat ul-Layl (the night prayer), Tahajjud (from hajada meaning remained awake at night), Witr (odd-numbered this term is also used to refer to the last one or three Raka'ah of Qiyaam) and Taraweeh (resting).

A widespread misconception is that Tahajjud is a different night prayer than Qiyaam or Taraweeh. It is important to clarify this misunderstanding and to make clear that there is only one nafl night prayer known by different names. Even though the term Taraweeh is more commonly used to describe the night prayer in Ramadan, it is not different from Tahajjud. Thus, the practice of praying Taraweeh in the earlier part of the night and Tahajjud in the later part should be stopped.
The Excellence of Qiyaam al-Layl
Numerous Ahaadeeth and Qur'aanic verses mention the excellence of Qiyaam al-Layl and the merit of those who perform it regularly. Umm al-Mumineen, Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The most beloved deeds to Allah are the most constant, even if they were little.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim] and she said in another narration: “Do not ever stop praying Qiyaam. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) never ceased praying it. When he was sick or weak, he prayed sitting.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslims] He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “You should pray Qiyaam al-Layl, for it is the habit of the righteous people who came before you, and it will bring you closer to your Lord, expiate for bad deeds, prevent sin, and expel disease from the body.” [At-Tirmidhee and Musnad Ahmad]

Narrated Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (radhi allahu anhu): 'The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said to him: “May I show you the gates of goodness?' (they are), “(a) Fasting is screen from Hell, (b) As-Sadaqah extinguishes the sins, as water extinguishes fire, (c) Standing in Salaat (prayer) by a slave of Allah during the last third part of a night.” Then the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) recited the verse: “Their (believer's) sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope; and they spend out of what We have bestowed on them.”' [Abu Dawood and at-Tirmidhee]

Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The best of prayer after those prescribed (i.e. obligatory prayer) is that in the depth of night.” [Saheeh Muslims]

Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “May Allah have mercy on a man who wakes up at night, prays, and wakes his wife to pray; and if she refuses, he sprinkles water on her face. And may Allah have mercy on a woman who wakes up at night, prays, and wakes her husband to pray; and if he refuses, she sprinkles water on his face.” [(Hasan) Abu Dawood ]

Abdullah Ibn Bashr (radhi allahu anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) saying: “Whoever prays Qiyaam reciting ten verses, he will not be recorded among the negligent. Whoever prays Qiyaam reciting one hundred verses, he will be recorded among the devout. And whoever prays Qiyaam reciting one thousand verses, he will be recorded among those with a multitude of good deeds.” [(Hasan) Abu Dawood]
7 Practical Tips for praying Qiyaam al-Layl
1: Ikhlas (Sincerity) - the key to Allah's Help and Blessings
Help of Allah is needed to accomplish and achieve success in all our affairs. And Allah only helps those who are sincere in their hearts. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “If you are truthful with Allah, then Allah will deliver to you what you wish for.” [An-Nasa'ee, al-Hakim and Saheeh al-Jamee] Therefore, one should have a sincere intention to pray Qiyaam al-Layl; seek the Pleasure of Allah Alone and avoid the desire of praise or fame. Allah says: “And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone…” [(98): 5]
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “The degree to which a person is helped and aided by Allah depends on the degree of his intention, drive, aim and hopes. Help from Allah comes to people in proportion to their drive, intention, hopes and fears, and failure comes to them in like manner.”
2: Knowing the Virtues of Qiyaam al-Layl
Knowing the virtues and rewards of performing worship produces willingness and desire to perform the worship. We have previously mentioned numerous virtues of regularly praying Qiyaam al-Layl, here we mention the excellence of praying Qiyaam al-Layl particularly in the great month of Ramadan. Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) reported: “Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) encouraged the people, without making it an absolute command, to perform Qiyaam during Ramadan. He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to say: “Whoever stands (in Qiyaam) in Ramadan out of faith and expectation (of Allah's reward), all his previous sins will be forgiven.” [Saheeh Muslim]
3: Taking a nap in the daytime
Taking a nap before or after Dhur Salaat will dismiss the stress and thus enable one to get up in the night and stand in front of his Lord. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Take a nap, for the Shayateen (pl. of Shaytan) do not take naps.” [Reported by at-Tabaranee. Al-Saheehah (2647)]
4: Sleeping according to the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger
(a) Sleep early: Sleeping early is a healthy habit and it was the practice of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) to sleep directly after performing the Isha prayer. Abu Barzah al-Aslami (radhi allahu anhu) said that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to prefer to delay Isha, and he did not like to sleep before it or talk after it.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee]

(b) Sleep in a state of taharah (purity): Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Purify these bodies and Allah will purify you, for there is no slave who goes to sleep in a state of purity but an Angel spends the night with him, and every time he turns over, [the Angel] says, 'O Allah! Forgive Your slave, for he went to bed in a state of purity.'” [Reported by at-Tabaranee. See Saheeh al-Jamee (3831)]

(c) Choose a suitable bed: Excessive luxurious or soft bed provokes laziness and makes one sleep more and become negligent. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) narrates that the pillow of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) on which he slept at night was made of leather stuffed with palm fibers.” [Abu Dawood and Musnad Ahmad. Saheeh al-Jamee (4714)]

Once Umar Ibn al-Khattab (radhi allahu anhu) entered upon the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) when he was lying on a mat of palm fibers that had left marks on his side. Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you not get something more comfortable than this?” He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “What do I have to do with this world? My relationship with this world is like that of a traveler on a hot summer's day, who seeks shade under a tree for an hour, then moves on.” [Musnad Ahmad and al-Hakim. Saheeh al-Jamee (5545)]

(d) Cleaning the bed and lying on the right side
Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) reported: “The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “When any one of you goes to bed, let him clear his bed by hitting it with his garment, for he does not know what may have come onto it. Then let him lie down on his right side…” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]

(e) Reciting the Adhkaar (supplications) mentioned in the Sunnah before sleeping

There are a number of Adhkaar prescribed in the Sunnah before going to bed, amongst them are reciting the last verses of Soorah al-Baqarah, reciting Soorah al-Falaq and Soorah al-Nas and Soorah Ikhlas blow in the palms and wipe as much of the body possible, starting from the head, face and then the front of the body doing it three times. [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (radhi allahu anhu) reported that when the Prophet's daughter, Fatima (radhi allahu anha) came to him and asked him for a servant, he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said to her and Ali: “Shall I not teach you something that will be better for you than a servant? When you go to bed, say 'SubhanAllah' thirty-three times, 'Al-hamdulillah' thirty-three times, and 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times. This is better for you than a servant.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]
5: Avoid too much food and drink
Too much food or drink is one of the main obstacles that make one lazy and negligent of Qiyaam al-Layl. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Man fills no vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to have a few mouthfuls to give him the strength he needs. If he has to fill his stomach, then let him leave one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhee and Ibn Majah. Saheeh al-Jamee (5674)]

Abu Juhayfah (radhi allahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said to a man who burped in his presence: “Stop your burping, for the people who eat the most in this life will be the most hungry on the Day of Resurrection.” [Reported by al-Hakim. Saheeh al-Jamee (1190)]
6: Striving against oneself:
Striving against oneself to get up and pray and suppressing one's desires bring about Allah's help and His Pleasure for the slave. Allah says in the Qur'aan: “Strive in Allah's Cause as you ought to strive…” [Soorah al-Hajj (25): 78] “And as for those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will surely guide them to Our Paths. And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinoon (good-doers).” [ (29): 69]

The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The Mujahid (one who strives in way of Allah) is the one who strives against his own self for the sake of Allah.” [Reported by al-Tirmidhee. See al-Saheehah (549)]

He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) also said: “When a man from my Ummah gets up to pray at night, striving against his own self to get up and purify himself, there are knots on him. When he washes his hands in wudhu, one knot is undone. When he washes his face, another knot is undone. When he wipes his head another knot is undone. When he washes his feet, another knot is undone. Then Allah says to those who are veiled (in the Unseen): 'Look at this slave of Mine, he is striving against his own self and asking of Me. Whatever My slave asks of Me shall be his.” [Musnad Ahmad. See Saheeh al-Targheeb (627)]
7: Rebuking one's self for not praying Qiyaam al-Layl Qiyaam al-Layl is a great blessing from Allah, the Exalted, and He has placed in it numerous spiritual benefits and rewards for the believer. Therefore, one should rebuke one's self, if he misses this great opportunity of achieving rewards and Pleasure of Allah. Allah says in the Qur'aan: “O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do.” [(59): 18]
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “If the slave is responsible and accountable for everything, even his hearing, sight and innermost thoughts, as Allah says, “…Verily, hearing, sight, and the heart of each of you will be questioned by Allah.” [Soorah al-Isra (17): 36], then he should check on himself before he is brought to account.”

Sleep in a State of Taharah (Purity)

Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said:

“Purify these bodies and Allah will purify you, for there is no slave who goes to sleep in a state of purity but an Angel spends the night with him, and every time he turns over, [the Angel] says, 'O Allah! Forgive Your slave, for he went to bed in a state of purity.'”

[Reported by at-Tabaranee. See Saheeh al-Jamee (3831)]

Spreading the Good News of Ramadaan

Author:'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih Al-Fawzaan
Source:Ahaadeeth As-Siyaam: Ahkaam wa Adaab (pg. 13-15)
Translator:isma'eel alarcon (for

Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: "Ramadaan has come to you - a blessed month. Allaah has made it obligatory on you to fast in it. During this month, the gates of heaven are open, the gates of the Hellfire are closed and the evil devils are chained. To Allaah belongs a night in it, which is better than a thousand months. Whosoever is prevented from its good, then he has been deprived." [1]
The hadeeth is a glad tiding to the righteous servants of Allaah, of the coming of the blessed month of Ramadaan. The Prophet (saws) informed his Companions of its coming and it was not just a simple relaying of news. Rather, his intent was to give them the glad tidings of a magnificent time of the year, so that the righteous people who are quick to do deeds can give it its due estimate. This is because the Prophet (saws) explained in it (the hadeeth) what Allaah has prepared for His servants from the ways towards gaining forgiveness and His contentment - and they are many. So whoever has forgiveness escape him during the month of Ramadaan, then he has been deprived with the utmost deprivation.

From the great favors and bounties that Allaah has bestowed upon His servants is that He has prepared for them meritous occasions so that they may be of profit to those who obey Him and a race for those who rush to compete (for good deeds). These meritous occasions are times for fulfilling hopes by exerting in obedience and uplifting flaws and deficiencies through self-rectification and repentance. There is not a single occasion from these virtuous times, except that Allaah has assigned in it works of obedience, by which one may draw close to Him. And Allaah possesses the most beautiful things as gifts, which He bestows upon whomsoever He wills by His Grace and Mercy.

So the one who achieves true happiness is he who takes advantage of these virtuous months, days and hours and draws closer to His Guardian in them, by doing what is prescribed in them from acts of worship.
Thus perhaps he will be showered with one of the many blessings of those occasions and be helped by it, with an assistance that is enough to save him from the Fire and what it contains, such as its blazing heat. [2]
Being able to reach Ramadaan is itself a magnificent bounty that is bestowed on the one who reaches it and rises to its occasion, by standing in prayer during its night and fasting during its day. In it, he returns to his Protector -- from disobeying Him to obeying Him, from neglecting Him to remembering Him, from remaining distant from Him to turning towards Him in submissive repentance.

A Muslim must be conscious of this bounty and acknowledge its magnitude. For indeed, many people are prevented from fasting, either because they die before they reach it, or because they are not capable of observing it or because they oppose and turn away from it. Thus, the one who fasts must give praise to his Lord for this bounty and should welcome this month with joy and delight that a magnificent time of the year out of all the occasions for performing obedience is welcomed. He should exert himself deeply in doing good deeds. And he should invoke Allaah to grant him the ability to fast and stand in night prayer, and that He provide him with seriousness, enthusiasm, strength, and energy in that month. And that He awaken him from heedless oversleeping so that he may take advantage of these virtuous times of good.

It is unfortunate to find that many people do not know the value of this virtuous occasion, nor do they consider it to be sacred. So the month of Ramadaan no longer becomes a significant time for obedience, worship, reciting the Qur'aan, giving in charity and making remembrance of Allaah. Rather, to some people, it becomes a signifcant time to diversify their foods and drinks and to prepare different types of meals before the month begins. Some other people do not know Ramadaan except as a month of sleeplessness and constant recurring gatherings, while sleeping by day. This is to the point that some among them sleep past the time of the obligatory prayers, thus not praying them in congregation or in their proper times. Other people do not know Ramadaan except as a signifcant time for conducting worldly affairs, not as a significant time for conducting affairs for the Hereafter. Thus, they work busily in it, buying and selling, and they stay in the market areas, consequently abandoning the masaajid. And when they do pray with the people, they do so in such a hurried manner. This is because they find their pleasure in the market places. This is the extent that the notions and views (of Ramadaan) have been changed.

Some of the Salaf used to say: "Indeed Allaah, the Most High, has made the month of Ramadaan as a competition for His creatures, in which they may race with one another to His pleasure, by obeying Him. Thus, one group comes first and so they prosper and another group comes last and so they fail." [3]

Also, the individual does not know if this is perhaps the last Ramadaan he will ever see in his life, if he completes it. How many men, women and children have fasted with us the past year, and yet now they lie buried in the depths of the earth, relying on their good deeds. And they expected to fast many more Ramadaans. Likewise, we too shall all follow their path. Therefore, it is upon the Muslim to rejoice at this magnificent occasion for worship. And he should not renounce it, but instead busy himself with what will benefit him and what will cause its effect to remain. For what else is it, except numbered days, which are fasted in succession and which finish rapidly.

May Allaah make us, as well as you, from among those who are foremost in attaining good deeds.


1. This hadeeth is reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa'ee. See Ahmad Shaakir's checking of the Musnad (no. 7148) and Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of al-Albaanee (1490) as well as Tamaam-ul-Mannah (395)
2. These are the words of Ibn Rajab in Lataa'if-ul-Ma'aarif: pg. 8
3. Lataa'if-ul-Ma'aarif of Ibn Rajab: page 246

Outstrip Other Nations

"Marry the loving/friendly, the child-bearing for I shall outstrip the other nations with your numbers on Qiyama." 
Ahmad, Abu Daud and others and it is Saheeh.

We need a RAMADAN!! Part 1-Abu Uwais Raheemahulah

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktu, please take the time to listen to this beautiful lecture that truly touches the heart. May Allah Reward and Bless Abu Uwais Rahimullah Ameen he touches on very important issues as to why we need a Ramadan. BarakaAllahu Feekum

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

O people of Basrah, your hearts have died in respect to ten things"

It is reported that Ibrâhîm b. Adham (d162H) – may Allâh have mercy on him – once passed through the market of Basrah. People gathered around him and asked:

O Abû Ishâq, Allâh the Exalted says in his Book. ‘Call on me, I will answer your prayers’, but we have been calling on Him for a long time and He does not answer our prayers.

Ibrâhîm replied, “O people of Basrah, your hearts have died in respect to ten things:

1) You know Allâh but you do not give Him His rights;

2) You have read Allâh’s Book but you do not act by it;

3) You claim to love Allâh’s Messenger – Allâh’s peace and blessings be upon him – yet you abandon his Sunnah;

4) You claim to be enemies to shaytân but you conform to [his ways];

5) You say you love Paradise yet you do not work for it;

6) You say you fear The Fire yet you put yourselves closer to it [by sinning];

7) You say death is true but you do not prepare for it;

8) You busy yourselves with the faults of others and disregard your own;

9) You consume the favors of your Lord but are not grateful for them;

10) You bury your dead but take no lesson from them.”

Source: Abû Nu’aym, Hilyah Al-Awliyâ’ 8: 15, 16.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Never hold a grudge, always forgive anyone whose hurt you, spoke ill to you or upset you in any way, life is way too short to not forgive and move on and most importantly ALLAH is the Most Merciful Most Forgiving so we should show mercy to one another in order to be given mercy by the All-Knower All Seer! Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem! Don't look at the past just keep looking forward towards a brighter future, alhamdulilah alaa kulli haal <3

What is [the matter] with you....

What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah [due] grandeur While He has created you in stages? 
Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in layers And made the moon therein a [reflected] light and made the sun a burning lamp?” 


Letting Things Go

Learn to Let Things Go
by Embody Islam

As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum Warhamtullahi Wabaraktu,


All praise is due to Allah, and may exaltation and safety be granted to Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who aid them. To proceed:

Two nights ago, Shaykh, Dr. Ahmad Bazmool, may Allah protect him from evil, gave a stern, yet, heart-warming advice to those in attendance at the annual “Muhammad b. Abdul-Wahhaab Educational Seminar in Makkah.”

His advice touched on the topic: “How Students Should Interact with One Another.” The point I want to highlight is when he mentioned to us about overlooking things and letting them go for the sake of Allah. He mentioned that we as students, [and others], must learn to overlook and let personal and trivial issues go.

He mentioned a story about one of our elder and noble scholars, Dr. Rabee’ al-Madkhalee, may Allah preserve him, and how people have approached him saying: “Shaykh, I used to speak ill of you and warn people to keep away from you, etc.” Shaykh Ahmad mentioned that Shaykh Rabee’ would simply say: “Have you repented [for what you believe you have done wrong]? Then the affair is finished.” He would then honor him as a guest as though nothing ever happened. That’s the Sunnah.

[Subtle Methodology Point]

Shaykh Ahmad also mentioned that overlooking things is related to personal matters, not religious ones. He mentioned a hadith about how men would approach the Messenger of Allah, may Allah exalt his mention and grant him safety, and hold him by the collar when requesting things, and he wouldn’t become angry. However, when Allah’s legislation was violated, he would become angry.

He (Shaykh Ahmad) also mentioned a narration of the great Imaam, al-Awzaa’ee [d. 157 AH], may Allah have mercy on him, wherein he did not greet a man, but instead told him: “If my issue with you was personal, I would have greeted you, however, I did not greet you due to religious matters you have violated.”

[Time is Ticking]

On the authority of Aboo Moosaa al-Ash’aree, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah exalt his mention and grant him safety, said, “Allah looks over his slaves in the middle of night, in the middle Sha’baan, and he forgives all of His creation, except for polytheists and the those involved in disputes.” [Authenticated by Imam al-Albaanee, Saheeh Ibn Majah, #1390]

Noble reader, realize that the middle of Sh’abaan is rapidly approaching, so I encourage all my brothers and sisters to not be from those involved in personal disputes on such a blessed night. I encourage you to try your best, for the sake of Allah, in resolving any ongoing disputes with one another.

To conclude, I ask Allah, the Most High, to make us from those who are forgiving to our brothers and sisters, just as I ask Him to make our brothers and sisters forgiving to us. Indeed, He is All-Capable of answering our supplications.

And I emphasize at the end of this article that all praise is for Allah.

Embody Islam
June 29, 2012 at 7:27 AM
Categories: Islamic Character