Saturday, August 27, 2011

Where to Look During Qunoot

Where to Look During Qunoot -  Shaykh Sa’ad ibn Nasir ash-Shitri
Question - This is the last question, the questioner asks, “where does the supplicating person look when standing for the Dua for Qunoot?”
Answer - If the supplicating person is making Dua during the prayer then the ruling is that he looks towards the place of Sujood (prostration). He looks at the place he is going to prostrate to just as he would do in the remaining pillars of the prayer. And he does not raise his eyesight to the sky nor does he look in front of him.
And it appears in an authentic narration that the Messenger of Allaah (peace & blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade raising the eyesight to the sky. And he said, “Surely the people will either stop raising their sight to the sky or their sight will be taken away from them and it shall not return to them.”
Therefore, the sight should be directed toward the place of Sujood (prostration). And if the sight is raised slightly in front of him then this is permissible because it appears in a Hadeeth that the Messenger (peace & blessings be upon him) of Allaah looked at the niche in front of him, and he saw a portion of grapes in front of him. So, this is permissible but the person should not do it on a continual basis nor make it his habit. As for the raising of the sight to the sky then this is prohibited and it is not permissible even during the Dua of Qunoot.
From the affairs which are connected to these issues is that the person should suffice himself by saying ‘Ameen’ and he should not use other words or phrases such as saying Subhan’Allaah, exalting Allaah, La ilaaha illalaa or anything like this when the Imaam is making Dua in the Qunoot because none of this has been narrated. Therefore, the person should suffice himself with that which has been narrated.
Translation Source: Masjid Tawheed Wa Sunnah of Durham, North Carolina

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