Saturday, August 20, 2011

Personal 140

Asalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktu everyone! feels like it's been long since I last blogged :( but my Ramadan has been amazing so far alhamdulilah. Just yesterday I had an iftaar gathering at my house for the sisters in my neighborhood & it was hectic but yet so fun & worth every minute preparing for it ! Just the sight of seeing my friends happy, laughing, enjoying my cooking was more then I could ask for. I thank Allah for the sisters I have cause honestly I love each and every one of them!..I'm even thinking of having another very small 1 before Ramadan ends lol =D wallahu alam tho. Thus far in Ramadan i'm learning a lot about sisterhood and realizing more and more who is a great individual to keep around alhamdulilah. Feels like Ramadan is so close to ending :'( we all really need to make the most of the last 10 days in'sha'Allah ta'ala. +Tahjuud has started so that's always a great way to get alot of ibaadah in before it ends ! :) I hope everyone is enjoying Ramadan with the company of family and friends, just remember to make the most of it! <3

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