Monday, March 28, 2011

Personal 96

One of my biggest goals for 2011 has to be that I want to become debt free! Subhanallah alot of past decisions were not wise of me and now I suffer the outcome. Alhamdulilah I paid a huge one of them off today so I'm cleared & I have just one other left ..and yes it's a big one aswell =) but qadr of Allah these debts are huge in my eyes but very little in literal terms, I don't owe thousands alhamdulilah so this was a great learning experience I'm so causious now of what I sign and what not, tabarakAllah. I thank Allah for that wisdom. If you have any debts to owe anyone or any company lol walahi pay it off, make 2011 our year so that later on you can enjoy your money & not fall into riba which is worse! Alhamdulilah I made alot of dua and now that I've been blessed with a job I really am just using that to free myself up from anything so that if qadr of Allah I lose my job then I won't feel as bad because the burden would inshaAllah have been relieved. Debt free feels awsome since I'm literally half way there! Make dua for me In'sha'Allah & free yourself aswell =)

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