Friday, February 4, 2011

Personal 64

Yesterday on Thursday, the MSA had there weekly halaqa which was great;) Ma'sha'Allah & the topic of the day was Yamul Qiyam also known as the Day of Regret and most commonly Day of Judgement. Now many outthere reading this already know quite a bit about that day and what is yet to come In'sha'Allah! BUT I'm just here to say do we really know that Allah is watching us? Day of Judgement is a day of account, & every slave will get that which they deserve right? that day has yet to come so right now do we really believe that Allah is watching us? Some of us walk around with our heads held high "OH LOOK AT ME IM SO RELIGIOUS; PRACTICING SISTER RIGHT HERE" is some peoples thoughts. Yeah Ma'sha'Allah that might be the outlook given to everyone around you, but what about Allah? Fear Allah? what does that mean?--well for one it doesn't mean act 2 ways infront of people and do MAJOR/MINOR CONCIOUS sins.Which SubhanAllah many outthere understand this.Umar Bin Khattab (ra) said Put yourself to account before you are put to account. We need to be aware of this, fearing Allah is easy but a faker can't do it so May Allah make us sincere, Ameen. This isn't a call to those sining behind doors to come out, it's a call to the end of sinning while being aware of it; which in my opinion is the worst thing + could cause your heart to become black if it isn't already. So we should be causious of how we see ourselves infront of Allah. Allah only matters everyone else is just human.
May Allah increase us in Taqwa (fear of Allah) & make us sincere, Ameen

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