Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Personal 60

Now that we've gone into the grove of things with school and are busy running around managing our everyday lives, I realize more and more that sometimes my Iman tends to drop faster due to being in a crowd of sisters laughing or just wasting time walking around trying to decide on what food to eat for lunch. All simple actions, yes! But with greater side effects. I feel that friends have to do alot with your level of Iman regardless if you try to ward it off, friends are just there. It's your responsibility to get friends who will help you come closer to Allah(swt) opposed to distancing yourself from Allah(swt). Ultimately we have to take account for our actions, and please keep in mind that "Righteousness" isn't easily told by how an individual is dressed like or the sweetness of their speech but honestly it's by their actions. So observe yourself and ask yourself "WOULD I BE MY OWN RIGHTEOUS FRIEND?" If your answer is no, then I guess it's time to roll up those sleeves and get to work on taubah & bettering yourself. That's my whole take on this situation; change yourself first before changing your surroundings. So In'sha'Allah we should busy ourselves with keeping our Iman moderate level [if it's HIGH, well that's amazing..but remember Iman naturally goes up & down] so try to achieve that. May Allah Make It Easy For US ALL! Ameen =)

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