Thursday, January 6, 2011

Personal 49

So the unbelievable has happened, alhamdulilah alaa kulli haal !
Since this morning my phone line has been cut =( do to not paying my phone bill, sigh it always creeps up on me! Nevertheless I was so bored at home today, but I was doing more research via laptop & spent my time kinda sorta wisely I would say. Cause hours on bbm or phone or txting was a distraction for me & I used to complain about it, but now I should be jumping for joy..right? Alhamdulilahh I can focus on ibaadah (worship) & school without any distractions..basically I will be so MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) to the point they'll file a missing persons report! lool ..but no doubt I miss my phone just because I felt connected to the world, but not anymore =D
Alhamdulilah alaa kulli haal tho, forever & for always.

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