Friday, January 7, 2011

Abu Huraira (r.a.) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said:

”Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the greatest falsehood.

Do not try to find fault with each other,
do not spy on one another,
do not vie with one another,
do not envy one another,
do not be angry with one another,
do not turn away from one another,
and be servants of Allah, brothers to one another as you have been enjoined.

A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim -he does him no wrong nor does he let him down; nor does he despise him. Fear of God is here, fear of God is here.” - and he pointed to his his chest.

”It is evil enough that a brother should look down on his brother.
For every Muslim is sacred to another - his blood, his honour and his property.
Allah does not look at your bodies or your forms, or your deeds, but he looks at your hearts.”

(Bukhari, Muslim)

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