Sunday, December 5, 2010

Usool Us-Sunnah

Alhamdulilah, I had a long dayy & because of allergies I am unable to sleep once again, sighh

btw* Today I went to a great class, where we're starting to study Imam Ahmad (Rahmiullahi ta'ala)'s book Usool us-Sunnah ! Amazinggg subhanAllahh!

It's held every Saturday Badal-Isha (after Isha prayer), the copy of the book can be bought at Masjid al-Furqaan aka Troid. TabarakAllahh it's only 20 dollars.

The teacher is a brother who is a student in Dammaj,Yemen who has given up his time to teach people the most important topic to the Islamic faith which is AQEEDAH.

I ask Allah to reward this brother & his family & increase his knowledge & may Allah allow him to teach among many groups of people & make him of the people of Jannah ! Ameen.

Aqeedah is the general term for the 6 pillars of Iman, but in dept !

It's pretty exciting this class because seeing how many of us don't know what Aqeedah is, is already a problem within itself.

InshaAllah if you live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada & have nothing to do on Saturday nights please come out or tell a friend about it, its VERY beneficial !


40 South Station St.
Toronto, Ontario

p.s this isn't a telelink, hes actually teaching here.

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