Sunday, December 19, 2010

Personal 30

While painting my nails earlier, alhamdulilah I'm realizing more every day that I am so blessed. There is absolutely no way I can ever thank ALLAH enough for these blessings. I know I have more then others & alhamdulilah, I just feel like I need to act upon my blessings and not want more or pretend that I need more. SubhanAllah, we're humans & we'll never stop at just having enough we'll always want more and most times it just gets us into problems because wanting is greed & having enough is gratefulness. I need to increase in gratefulness & just settle for what I have because I'll always have more then others. We're all rich, we just have to look to those below us & not look to those above us, ma'sha'allah + increase in dua so that Allah increases your Rizq (provisions). May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, & make us from those who are always grateful to Him & to increase our provisions,Allahumma Ameeen !

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