Sunday, December 19, 2010

Personal 28

Honestly the most random things happen to me, & there actually funny. So alhamdulilah I finised the class @Masjid Ar Rowda, so something happened that they said the front of the Masjid was locked & we all had to exit from the side door, okay khair no problem alhamdulilah. Only mistake was that they never said ladies exit first or men exit first (&this class is predominantly filled with Young Adults) so when we get to the side door there were alot of brothers coming in and going out. a sister signals & says ' excuse me the sisters want to come through' & that ONE BROTHER says ; 'okay go ahead' umm likee theres something wrong with this picture because he wasn't leaving he just said ' they can go' or whatever =S I'll never understand people, & TO MAKE IT WORSE looooooool after 3 sisters passed by him he started saying ASALAMU ALAYKUM to the rest of the girls behind the other 3 sisters; INDIVIDUAL GREETINGS lol it was so hilarious at the time because all of us just finished an important Aqeedah class & were shocked at him. Likee how do you individually greet 20 + sisters LOL

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