Friday, December 3, 2010

Personal 04

Alhamdulilah for the mothers/grandmothers at my Quran class! They are amazing women subhanallahh & to see them learning the Quran and trying there best to perfect there tajweed (pronunciation) is very inspiring. They take the time every week to gather with our Sheikh to learn & excel for the sake of Allah, & to be around great company of other women who have the same interests. Really has me thinking alhamdulilah for sisterhood regardless what age we are & how the Quran brings people of all backgrounds together & to one simple task learning the Quran and understanding it's meaning. What started off as 5 sisters is now 25+ (Honestly I really don't know how many ladies attend lol its A LOT tabarkallah) -Did I mention they always bring FOOD, mainly sweets & tea ! -I really hope I will be striving at there ages & having an amazing company of sisters who will help me get to Jannah & please Allah.

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