Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Moon.

Snap shot from my room, at about 7:50 pm !
looks way bigger from my room, sorry bad shot.

- I'm currently watching the moon so beautiful walahi, man really makes you think about alot of things Allah has created in our world & so much of the hidden beauty that surrounds us but we don't notice it because we're too busy running through life to wonder about the creation. I find it so breathtaking; the MOON IS SO BEAUTIFUL, I really can't stress that enough & I am very graceful for it.

Ma'sha'Allah Allah has created such a beautiful creation for real. Sighhh, makes you wonder about how obeidient the Moon & Sun are to Allah, because every night or day they never disobey Allah they do as they are told, & come out at certain prescribed timings. And here us humans make the biggest mistakes and that impact we don't realize but imagine if the moon was late to come out or the SUN how would we react? But we get out of place every day, every hour , every minute - we fall short of our duties. SubhanAllahh, these are all signs from Allah but only for those who reflect.

Verily, in the alternation of the night and the day, and in all that Allah hath created, in the heavens and the earth, are SIGNS for those who fear Him.

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