Asalamu alaykum warahmatuallahi wabarakatu
It feels like we have forever to live but in reality that clicking clock is going to lose battery one day. Same with us humans, there will come a day where our hearts will stop & we will return back to our Lord. So the real question is what have we prepared to showcase to Allah once we return to him, the majority of us are blessed to be living a long youthful life, Alhamdulilah. But that just puts our presentation with Allah on a higher scale because He has given us blessings which are endless.
If the life run around us is done through business meetings, treat the meeting in the future with ALLAH to be just that. You have to prove why you deserve Jannah (Heaven) & that you fully fulfilled the purpose behind your life. That it wasn't all mere play and enjoyment but actually thought out and memorable infront of Allah the Al-MIGHTY.
Being Muslim these days seems to have some people fooled into thinking their 'SAFE' but in all honesty that is beyond the reality of it. No one is 'SAFE', not me , not you, not any human. Judgment is with Allah but to do the bare minimum that crosses you over to the 'IS A MUSLIM' mark isn't enough. We need to strive and do extra, above & beyond. Individuals think that this life, education, they're health is all they need & that their going to succeed no matter what ; independently?! : WRONG. It's by the Qadr, power of Allah that you were able to attain those blessings. This is what we lack in understanding & need to seek knowledge because of this purpose & many others.
We need to become more drawn towards increasing our love for the Hereafter, & not being so attached to the Life we live: what if these blessings were taken away to test us?, what if we become very ill? - we don't know what tomorrow really holds for each and everyone of us, but hey we're here now so lets make it worth remembering & always remembering that the PROMISE of the Hereafter is True& Very Real. TabarakAllah that will never change, the promise is true & the Dunya is a temporary enjoyment.
Jazakuallah kairun for reading :)
InshaAllah it makes you ponder, & May Allah reward you, ameen.
Wa alaykum salam warahmatuallahi wabarakatu
Book 42, Chapter 1, Number 7058
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.
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