Monday, November 8, 2010

The Role of the Woman in giving Da’wah

“…Like the Muslim man it is also obligatory for the Muslim woman to invite others to Islam, to enjoin the good and to forbid the evil since the texts of the noble Quran and the purified Sunnah indicate this, in addition to the explicit statements of the people of knowledge. Therefore it is obligatory for her to call to Allah, to enjoin the good and forbid the evil while observing the etiquettes of the divine legislation which are the same etiquettes incumbent for the man to observe. Along with this she must not allow apprehension or impatience to prevent her from calling to Allah when some of the people show her contempt or verbally abuse her or even make fun of her. Rather she must bear this and be patient.

If she sees the people teasing and making fun of her then she must safeguard another area (of her religion) and that is to be an example in displaying modesty and wearing the proper Islamic clothing in front of men she is not allowed to uncover in front of. She avoids mixing with men rather, her invitation of calling others to Islam is carried out with the utmost care of protecting herself from everything that leads to harming her. So if she calls men to Islam then her doing so is done while she is properly covered and without being secluded or alone with any of them. And when she calls women to Islam she invites them using wisdom. She should be upright in her manners and in her conduct so as not to drive them away and it be said amongst them, “why didn’t she start with her self first? (meaning; her manners in dealing with the people)”

She must avoid wearing clothes that will entice the people around her. She must distance herself from all causes of trials and tribulations; from displaying her beauty to being soft spoken when she speaks, everything that is objectionable, she avoids. She is cautious so as not to harm her religion or her honor when inviting to Allah.”

“…Indeed the practicing Muslim woman has a high status in Islam. She has a great effect upon the life of every Muslim. She is the first teacher in building a righteous society. This is due to the fact that she follows the guidance found in the Book of Allah and in the Sunnah of His Prophet, peace be upon him.

Adherence to both of these sources keeps every Muslim man and woman away from all avenues of deviance. The deviance and misguidance found amongst the previous nations would not have occurred if it did not distance itself from the safety of Allah, the Glorified, the Most High, and from what was revealed to their Prophets and Messengers, peace be upon them all. The Prophet, peace be upon him said: ((I have left you two issues that will never cause you to go astray as long as you adhere to them both. They are the Book of Allah and my Sunnah.))

The importance of the woman as a mother, a wife, a sister, and as a daughter has been pointed out in the Noble Quran, in addition to her rights and the responsibilities put over her. And the purified Sunnah has outlined the details of how they are to be carried out.”

Ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (may Allah have mercy upon him)
Majmoo’ Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawa’ah Vol. 4 /240
Translated by Aboo Imraan al-Mekseekee –may Allah guide him

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