Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Biography of Abu Hurayrah - Part 1

Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu
Here are my notes after listening to this lecture which is part1
Usually don't put my notes up but inshaAllah everyone benefits & now it's easier for others to seek the knowledge of this Amazing Sahaba.

Enjoy =) !

by: Brother Abu az-Zubayr Shadeed Muhammad

Bismillahi Rahman ar-Rahim

The Sahaba and their diligence in seeking knowledge, &Allah (swt) in the Quran has distinguished the people of knowledge whether they were from the Sahaba or not from everyone else.As a student of knowledge has a level other then him does not have.

Az-Zumar Chapter 39, Verse 9
Are those who know equal to those who don't know?
Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding. (intelligence)

Allah is making a statement through a rhetorical question.
meaning they are not equal; those who know from those who don't know.

Abu Hurayrah (RA)

- distinguished himself more so then the other companions of The Prophet (peace be upon him)
- late acceptance of Islam
- late hijra to Madina

However obtained the level of knowledge that none of the other companions attained, &sometimes the companions would critize him and used to beat him down about the narrations he quoted by the Prophet (peace be upon him) & they were around the prophet longer then he was.

Imam Ad-Thahabi
About Abdul ibn Abas mentioned that another companion came to him and said: "Do you think that people will be indeed of your knowledge when they have the Prophets companions around them"trying to discourge Ibn Abas, & he continued to seek knowledge and he became one of the most knowledgeable of their time.

Abu Darda
"I tried to combine working and seeking knowledge but I wasn't able to do so, so I abandoned my work to dedicate myself to knowledge"

The Scholars
say : 'Whoever gives knowledge all of his self , then perhaps knowledge will give you some of itself.'

Seeking knowledge is a fulltime job, you can't do it on your spare time.
Student of Knowledge trying to drive and reading a book at the same time, & how when they looked like they were talking to themselves they were constantly reviewing, ajeeb subhanaAllah.
The don't have time to talk, dedicate themselves to seeking knowledge no time for anything else.

Abu Hurayrah (RA)

- from Yemen originally
- Abdurahman al-Saqar Dows - (known tribe in Yemen)
- Nickname Abu Hurayrah (Father of the Cats)

Imam Buhkari
from Kitab Al-Ilm - Chapter on Knowledge
mentions that Abu Hurayrah (ra) he came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) & said: "Ya Rasullah, who is more deserving of your intersession?" The Prophet
(peace be upon him) said: "Ya Abu Hurayrah, I knew that no one would ask me about this hadith before you, I knew that you would be the first because from what I've known of your diligence"

Even the Prophet
(peace be upon him) recognized Abu Hurayrahs diligence.

An Example of Abu Hurayrahs diligence:

Imam Buhkari
in Saheeh Buhkari, Chapter of Seam (Fasting)
The Prophet
(peace be upon him) put Abu Hurayrah over zakat al ramadan, putting him in charge.

HADITH about the shaytaan who came 3 times, took from the food & the 3rd time Abu Hurayrah said : " I'll take you to the prophet
(peace be upon him)"
the shaytan said don't i'll give you something in return, he taught him Ayat al-Kursi so Abu Hurayrah let him go.

Even the SHAYTAN knew that Abu Hurayrah was diligent on seeking knowledge that he let him go because he always wanted to learn something new.

Abu Rayyaah }
'The Hungry Shiekh' } ---> Refuted by the Ulema because it dishonored Abu Hurayrah.

Imam Ad-Thahabi
Abu Hurayrah (ra) his migration and acceptance of Islam happened in the 7th year; battle of Qhayyba
He only spent 3 years with the Prophet (peace be upon him) & because of Tawfeeq from Allah he gained more knowledge on hadith then those there with him since day one.

The Prophet
(peace be upon him) said:
"Convey to me to the people even if it is one verse, maybe the one your conveying it to understands it better then the person who heard it."

Abu Hurayrah when he came to Madina, he settled in Dhul Hudaifa - that's the Meeqot for the people of that area; south of Riyadh.

Dhul Hadaifa wasn't considered part of Madina, outside Madina.
Today it is considered Madina, even Uhud the time of the Prophet
(peace be upon him) wasn't considered Madina either.
But after expansion it is in our present day.

Tall man
Wide/ Broad shoulders
Light skin, very lightskin'd

Beard RED -(henna) {Something common among the Sahaba}
His name before was Abd-Shams, but the Prophet
(peace be upon him) changed it to AbdurRahman.

Also one of the beloved names to Allah, AbdurRahman & Abdullah

Abu Hurayrah (ra) didn't like to be called ABU HURAYRAH
Abu Hurayrah (ra) said: "When you call me by my kunya don't call me Abu Hurayrah because the Prophet
(peace be upon him) gave me the kunya of Abu Hirr"
Abu- Hirr (Male gender of a Cat) & to use the male is more beloved to the Prophet
(peace be upon him) then the feminine one {Hurayrah}
Abu Hurayrah (ra) said: "The Prophet
(peace be upon him) use to call him by Abu-Hirr"

Companion: He asked him "Why do they call you Abu Hurayrah?" he said "I used to herd goat for my family and I used to have a small kitten and I used to play with it, and so after that the people called me Abu Hurayrah."

PART2 - soon inshaAllah ;)

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