Do you know if your sins will be forgiven at all?
After all this, you have no assurance that you will be spared from it (i.e. the punishment of the Hellfire). So who is more deserving of your tears and sadness [than Allah] - that He may accept from you (your deeds)?
In addition to this, you know not whether or not you will awaken in the morning, nor if you will still be here in the evening - will you be given the good news of Paradise, or the bad news of the Hellfire? I only desire to warn you - O my brother and sister - of this terrible danger. It is not fitting that you should be happy because of your family, your wealth or your children. It is a most amazing thing that you should continue to be unmindful, chasing after vain desires, wasting your time in disregard of this most important matter, for you are being driven at a fierce pace (towards death) day and night, hour by hour, like the blink of an eye. You should expect - O my brother - that your time may come at any moment and do not be unmindful of this great danger which may visit you. Most assuredly, you must (eventually) taste death.
Your time may come in the morning or in the evening. You will be separated from all that you possessed - either (to be rewarded with) Paradise or (to be punished in) the Hellfire. Descriptions and stories of them (have become) superfluous. Have you not heard - O my brother the words of the pious slave:
"I am amazed concerning the Hellfire - how does the one who could flee from it sleep? And I am amazed concerning the Jannah - how does the one who desires it sleep? For by Allah! If you neither desire Paradise, nor fear the Hellfire, then you are destroyed and grievous will be your sorrow, interminable your sadness and without limit your tears; you will be amongst the wretched, the punished ones. So if you claim that you are amongst those who seek refuge from the Fire and desire Paradise, then strive for that which you seek and do not be misled by your worldly desires."
Subhan'Allah does your heart not weaken at what the pious slave has said? We should be mindful of how this reality, this Dunya(life) isn't going to last forever. We'll all have to leave someday. Reality. It's something you can't run away from and only truly repenting to Allah (swt) will help you in the end. Ahlul Jannah (People of Paradise), thats what we seek and thats what we're all aiming for, so don't let this Dunya get to you. FEAR ALLAH. Ask to be guided on the Straight Path.
May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings and forgive us our sins. Ameen.
The One In Need of Allah the Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela
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