Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu
Beloved Home.
Second Home.
A Muslims Home.
And the mosques are for Allah (Alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allah.
[Surah Al-Jinn 72:18]
The Mosque is the house of every pious person, our hearts should be attached to the House of Allah.
The amount of free time we all have, we could make the House Of Allah look like a palace with giving our time and effort towards it. Giving charity doesn't always consist of giving money of Eid or a random Friday after the Khutba, it could be as easy as spendin time helping a little kid with his Quran or fixing up the bookshelf.
What is included in remembrance of Allah in the masjid?
1. Recitation of the Quran
2. Dhikr of Allah and His tasbeeh
3. Anas bin Malik narrates: “Once we [the Sahaba (RA)] were discussing our state in the times of Jahiliyyah and how Allah blessed us with iman and the darkness we were in. The Blessed Prophet said, ‘You are doing well; what a great thing you are talking about. Be like this and continue to do this [have these discussions in which you remember the blessings of Allah ]’.” [16 Sharah Hayat ul Sahabah 3/813, Al-Muntakhab 4/391]
A great way to incorporate this hadith is by having many Halaqas (Gathering in the rememberance of Allah) discussing different topics, creating sisterhood in islam & a strong bond with the masjid.
If you love Allah, then you'd love to visit his house.
Iman Boosting.
Also you should be aware that The masjid is the house of Allah and has been made for His remembrance; therefore, the Blessed Prophet forbade ghaflah (ignorance towards Allah
) and acts of ghaflah in the masjid. It is similar to being invited to someone’s
house and then ignoring the host. The same way we respect the host and appreciate his
inviting us to his home, we must also respect our Creator who invited us to His house to
gain from His rahmah. We should also be grateful that He has made our hearts inclined
towards His masjid, as many of our brothers could not avail this opportunity.
Aisha May Allah Be Pleased With Her, said : "The Messenger of Allah commanded us to build Masjids among the houses, and to clean them and perfume them." this was recorded by Ahmad and the Sunan compilers with the exception of An-Nasa'i.
The mosque should be more dear to us then our own homes.
& shouldn't be a place that's familiarized every time Ramadan comes around.
That mindstate needs to change bi'znillah, & if somethings stopping you from coming to the House of Allah then make dua that Allah invites you to his house.
Without Allah We Are Nothing,
Without Going To His House, We Are Homeless.
Doors are never closed to those who want to come in..so invite your friends, family & get involved with your sisters/brothers committee. The good deeds are endless.
this beautiful and very famous hadith will explain better:
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet – peace be upon him – said, “Allah will cover seven people with His shade, on the Day when there will be no shade but His: a just ruler, a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, a man whose heart is attached to the mosques, two persons who love each other only for Allah’s sake and they meet and part in Allah’s cause only, a man who refuses the call of a beautiful and rich woman for illicit relation with her and says: I am afraid of Allah, a man who gives charitable gifts so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given, and a person who remembers Allah while he is alone and his eyes are flooded with tears.”
(Al-Bukhari, Hadith 620)
'A youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, & a man whose heart is attached to the mosques'
these 2 parts are very common for the audience I'm seeking to reach out too.
inshallah think about that hadith, & remember that on the Day of Resurrection there will be no shade other then Allahs.
Jazakuallah kair, inshallah this is a reminder first to me then to all of you!
The One In Need Of All The Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela
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