Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tûbâ and the Strangers

Taken from The Righteous Action
Shaykh Muhammad Nasirud-Din al-Albani - al-Hijra magazine (vol.4 no.2)Al-Ibaanah Magazine Issue No.1 - Dhul-Qa’dah 1415H / April 1995

The meaning of Tûbâ in the Arabic language is: “Praise and thanks.” The meaning according to the Sharî’ah refers to a tree in Paradise, which would take a rider a hundred years to traverse its shade. [15] This hadîth gives glad tidings to the newcomers of Paradise in which there is: “What no eye has never seen, no ear has ever heard, and no heart has ever imagined.” [16] This tree is mentioned in the Qur’ân in the statement of Allâh: “Tûbâ is for them, and the best abode.” [17] Therefore, Tûbâ is for the Ghurabâ (the Strangers), but who are they? The answer to this is in the reply of the Prophet: “Those who correct [themselves and others], when the people have become corrupt.” [18]


16. Part of a hadîth Qudsî - related by al-Bukhârî and Muslim from Abû Hurayah radiallâhu ’anhu - in which the Prophet said that Allâh said: “I have prepared for my righteous salves what no eye ... ”

17. Sûrah Ra’d 13:29.

18. Sahîh: Related by ad-Âjurrî in al-Ghurabâ (pp.15-16) from Ibn Mas’ûd. The isnâd is Sahîh as al-Albânî states in as-Sahîhah (no.1273).V

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