Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Need for Care

Taken from The Righteous Action
Shaykh Muhammad Nasirud-Din al-Albani - al-Hijra magazine (vol.4 no.2)Al-Ibaanah Magazine Issue No.1 - Dhul-Qa’dah 1415H / April 1995

These Strangers call the people to the revival of the Sunnah and eradication of all that differs from it. However, they must still pay attention to the second condition of the righteous action: To be sincere in their da’wah. They must neither seek fame, pride, nor arguments from their da’wah.

They must not seek anything that an-Nafs ul-Amârata bis-Sû’ (the soul that calls them to evil) orders them to do. Whatever they call to is as a result of Allâh - the Most High - having ordered them to make da’wah to the Qur’ân and the Sunnah and to make da’wah to what the Muslims have neglected. They must take care of this da’wah. However, they stand in danger. It can happen that one may say a word seeking only to have fingers of praise pointed at him, not sincerely advising the people and desiring to guide them. Rather, to do that for fame.

Here we mention a saying of some Sûfîs, who have some wise sayings that can not be denied: “The love of fame breaks backs.” Therefore, I insist, that we who make Da’wah to the Sunnah be sincere in our actions so that when our actions enter the grave with us, it will help us to answer correctly when we are asked: “Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet? What is your religion?” If the deed is evil, when the person enters the grave, he will deny it. His deed will come to him in the worst of forms. He will ask it: “Who are you?” It will say: “I am your deed.”


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