Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Excellence of 'Aaishah; The Mother of the Believers

By The Favours of Allaah, we present this book:A book comprising of the excellences of this great woman, And her merits; as in the Sacred texts of the Qur'an and the Authentic Sunnah, And her virtues; as witnessed by the noble companions, And the affirmation of her lofty status; as through the narrations of the Imaams of Islaam.

Excerpts From The Book:

From Hishaam that his father ['Urwa- the scholar & nephew of 'Aisha] said: ''Indeed I have accompanied 'Aaishah (radhiyallaahu 'anhaa), and I have never seen any one, ever, who is more knowledgeable of any verse , or of the inheritance laws, or of the Sunnah, or poetry, or of the Arab history, or lineages, or of the judgments, or medicine...' page: 47 And Imaam ash-Sha'bee used to mention her, and be amazed by her understanding of the religion and her knowledge. Then he would say : ''But [after all] what do you think about the Prophetic nurturing !?''[Meaning don't be amazed by her knowledge and excellence. Indeed she was nurtured and cultivated by the best of all the people, the Imaam of Imaams, the scholar of all scholars, and it is the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam] page: 49

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