Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Personal 158

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabaraktu! Its been a while since I've last blogged and subhanAllah I really miss it a lot, just haven't found the time to stay as committed as I would like too. At the same time when I take these breaks it gives me a chance to renew my intentions about why I even have this blog to begin with and ask myself what benefit I've applied from it into my life. It's not about posting and posting as much as I'd like, it's more reflecting and learning new things as I share them with everyone reading out there walhamdulilah. So these breaks are much needed and can be a reflection for yourself as well, think about what these verses and hadiths mean to you and how you can apply basic knowledge to enhance your life in Islam, embrace it really. Islam is very beautiful and when we take it and make it a serious part of our lives we discover what that beauty really means and how it feels. I will in'sha'Allah start posting more and I hope we all apply that which we learn bi'thinillah just have to set some distractions on the side in order to focus on important things! I hope your all having a wonderful day ! <3

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