Friday, April 15, 2011

Quick Reminder. . .

I just want to address the fact that I am a Sister like every other sister you may come across that's trying to practice the Deen of Allah according to the Salaf-as-Salih, The Prophet (peace be upon him) and Allah (aza wa jal) & I am no better then anyone else alhamdulilah. I'm striving just like the next person, I made this blog so that people would become enlighten by Islam, get reminded with beautiful ayats and learn lessons through different situations. I am not perfect and I am trying to be the best Muslimah I can be Allah willing so if I don't always have an answer to everything some people ask in'sha'Allah do not be upset with me and forgive me for my shortcomings because I myself am seeking knowledge just as much as the next person so I am not a Shiekh or a Student of Knowledge sitting under the Scholars as of now. I just wanted to make that clear so that people don't get upset with me with certain situations just because I really can't help them in it since I have no knowledge..sigh. Allahu Mustaan! May Allah grant us knowledge of this deen & benefit of doubt towards our fellow Muslims; Ameeen<3