I am sure most people already know this but for those who might not be aware of the fact this is worth mentioning.
Within these coming few days the Muslim Ummah will be afflicted by two festivals which are both not part of Islaam yet many muslims wrongfully practise them.
Some claim they are harmless, others quite frankly say they might actually be part of Islaam. This is a very serious lie against Allah and His Messenger.
The two festivals being reffered to are Valentines Day and the Birthday of the Prophet. As for Valentines day then it is right out pagan; Muslims fail to realize this:
Valentine’s Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian.
This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 February 270 CE. The kuffaar still celebrate this festival, during which immorality and evil are practised widely.
And as for celebrating the birth of the Prophet then it has its roots in Paganism too. And it is nothing but trying to imitate the Christians practise of celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah writes in his book Iqtidaa Siraatal Mustaqeem:
This sort of thing was done by the Christians who took the days in which great events happened to Jesus as eids, or by the Jews. Indeed the Eid is a legislated law, so what Allaah legislates is followed, otherwise do not innovate in this religion that which is not part of it.
He also added to this saying:
You would find these people (who celebrate the birthday of the Prophet) feeble in following the command of the Messenger, that which they have been commanded to be eager and vigorous in, indeed they are of the position of one who adorns the Mushaf but does not read what is in it or reads what is in it but does not follow it. Or the position of one who decorates the mosques but does not pray in them, or prays in them rarely…
Source: by Insight into the life of a student of the Islaamic University of Madeenah on Facebook.
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