Friday, February 4, 2011

Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) as a Grandfather!

As A Grandfather

The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is truly the pride of humanity. Humanity has never witnessed and never will witness a person like him. We have but captured a glimpse of this remarkable Prophet’s Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam extraordinary perfections as a father, we move now to learn of his unique role as a cherishing grandfather.

He loved all children. He loved Umaamah, his granddaughter, just as he loved Hadhrat Hasan and Hussain ( R.A.). He often went out with her on his shoulders. He even placed her on his back whilst praying. When he went to prostrate, he took her aside and when he had finished he got her on his back again. He showed this degree of love to Umaamah, so as teach how to treat girls to a society that used to bury their daughters alive only a decade previously. Among these people, the Messenger’s Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam care for his granddaughter was novel and had never been seen before.

One of the sons of Fatimah ( R.A.) : Hadhrat Hasan or Hussain ( R.A.) came and got on his blessed back. He prolonged in prostration and only lifted his head when the boy got down on his own. This showed how he placed their happiness and pleasure before his own. Hadhrat Anas (R.A.) reported that he had not seen anyone more kind to his children than Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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