Friday, January 7, 2011

Personal 50

I've realized that every "NEW" year, people say they'll make resolutions; but what puzzles me is why wait to change when you can change right now? A lot of people who want to start practicing Islam say this, & I'm always left speechless..whats there in a month or 2 that isn't here now =S / What's the hype about it starting on January 1st? when it doesn't even actually START exactly on that day to begin with but actually's going to start the next first of the Month; just hold on right there for a second - When my birthday comes around I will- fresh age + start. As you can see by my petty examples this is what some people actually go through; no lie. And it actually saddens me, not saying that it'll be easy whatever it is your trying to pursue but for me when I want to take action on a matter, the adrenaline rush doesn't wait for a new day it happens RIGHT THEN & THERE. We just got to act upon it. So this is to all of those people with a resolution, if your getting that feeling of succeeding & actually accomplish something right this second as your reading this, please pursue it so your not left saying the same thing each year, which a serious amount of time wasted =S not cool.

May Allah make all of his slaves successful in this Life & The Hereafter!

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