Monday, December 20, 2010

Personal 34

Well looks like 2010 is coming to an end & subhanAllah it has by far been a VERY interesting year for me, horrible things have happened & great things have happened. This year brought alot of emotions in it for me, going through ups & downs in different aspects of life, things I'll never forget for the rest of my life. 2010 became the emotional year & the year of struggle for peoples Iman (Faith) some lost it, some gained it & much more of it. The year went by so QUICK,SPEEDY, FAST which is somewhat scary life is passing us & it seems to be moving quicker each year. Time to start cherishing things & spending time on trying to become a better person. I have goals and ambitions that no one can shoot down & alhamdulilah by the will of Allah I will complete these goals, pleasing Allah, myself & my family.

May Allah increase our life spans & health & rizq, give us loving companions to help us strive to Jannah, make our Iman(faith) strong, guide more people to Islam & help our Ummah & forgive us for our sins/shortcomings!

Allahumma Ameeen.

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