Monday, December 20, 2010

Personal 31

Last night as I was chatting w/ my BFF via Skype, I really realized how much I missed her & how we've been far away from eachother (in distance lol) cause she doesn't go to school in the city. But like alhamdulilah she is by far the ONLY person who hasn't ever upset me throughout our long friendship that goes back to highschool days, she knows me inside & out - & vice versa. I really don't think I can ever get a friend like this ever =D; I am grateful to Allah that we've always stuck 2gether in everything we did. She's amazing & has great ambitions to do something amazing in this world, may Allah make her successful, ameen. In about 2 or 3 days we shall reunite because she's coming home for the HOLIDAYS; BIG YAY ! We have alot to catch up on even though we Skype lol A Friendship so rich like this one I will never let go of,
Perfect title, for the Perfect Friend.

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