Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Invitation Only.

Asalamu Alaykum Warhmatullahi Wabarakatu

I understand that yes Eid has past,
& many might be wondering why I'm posting so much on Hajj.

Well for those who don't know, Hajj isn't Over Yet =) & for the ones like myself who don't know all the Duas to supplicate during Hajj that are said this is an opportunity we can learn & prepare ourselves, Allah may call us to pay him a visit at his house next Hajj. You never know & you can't assume it's impossible. =)

Alhamdulilah; we can strive to learn all the Duas and parts of Hajj so that we're not lost when we attend if Allah invites us. & As well as WE need to supplicate now in advance to ask Allah to invite us to his beautiful house, without an invitation you can't come.

May Allah allow us to visit his beautiful house & complete the 5th pillar of Islam.
Ameeeen =)

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