Friday, May 6, 2011

Personal 116

If you think deeply about your life and where your headed in this dunya it is a blessing to experience and learn from and sometimes you'll really find that some people were meant to just accompany you on your journey for a short while and some a bit longer. I never really understood why people cared when they lost a friend yet gained an amazing opportunity from Allah in return whats there to cry about. I'm not saying lose all your friends but there are ones that will drift away regardless. The key point is always know where your heading in life and understand that only Allah has been there from the day you were a fetus..subhanAllah. I won't let anyone or any emotion ever stop me from becoming the best I can be in'sha'Allah because positive thinking is so important and having true faith in Allah. We only have a very limited time in this world and running after people & the relationships we have with them will only bring us down & when you think about it Allah has it covered! So why do we stress over things that really are nothing in weight. I think freeing our minds is what we need to do because alot of people sob and worry over things they never had power over to begin keep living it's not the end of the road till you meet your grave so just don't waste time. All of these bbm statuses & tweets on stuff people want to do like for ex...."I wanna start a new book!" or "currently trying to clean my room" just really shows me how much we've become the generation that SAYS but never ends up DOING..action people no more laziness in'sha'Allah. Yet many need to get a grip on their lives and start actually living :) This journey was made for you to choose where you want to go in life and in the hereafter so stop letting others control that. People may love you today but not even care about you tomorrow; it happens but why should that effect you? Our whole life revolves emotions and intelligence and part of that is being able to control your emotions lol so be strong in'sha'Allah! When the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was calling to Islam he didn't stop because of fearing from the people or that he would be seen as a fool; no, he still courageously called to Islam! Honestly empower yourself and trust in Allah, alhamdulilah there's no failure when your trying to better yourself :) I'm just writing this because honestly I've been given alot of blessings in my life alhamdulilah and I was always the type of person to not be as emotional as others and that always helped me get ahead plus I did experience losing friends and gaining some along my journey but I knew this was all natural and came from Allah because it doesn't matter what path you go on you will always end up where Allah destined you to be--regardless! :) & I just want everyone to love themselves & to know Allah is always near to them when they need to call on him --&just simply cutting out the negatives in your life. Sighh alhamdulilah alaa kulli haal :)

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