Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who shall he marry?

Marry a lady who fears Allaah until all the components of her heart are blurred with the dread of His punishments. Marry a lady whose prostration embodies hope in Him. Marry a lady who finds patience in prayer, hereafter her conscience softens into a grandiloquent shape of complete trust in Him; that He will never forsake her, that He will never let her fall; and that His Promise is true.

Marry a lady who is not flecked with lavish sins, immeasurable wrongdoings, fallible irresponsibility, arrogant idiosyncrasies and trembling foolishness. Marry a lady who fears for a tongue too hasty, eyes too dry and determination too ashen. Marry a lady who is not asphyxiated with the hue of gossip, who does not indulge herself in business which concerns her not.

Marry a lady who does not forsake fear, for without it, ill temptations will arise, and grow. Marry a lady who travels among the dreams you both occupy of Saudiyyah. Marry a lady who wants to breathe the air of worship, in the name of Allaah firstly and solely, and then to live the pages of scholarly history, to sit under Saudiyyah’s palm trees, so that you could lend her your knowledge, enrich her with history, and tradition.

Marry a lady who hopes for everything, but lives in expectation by His Will. Marry a lady who awaits faith, prayer, worship, knowledge, libraries, and societies impregnated with righteousness. Marry a lady who only exists on the raw feed of obedience, and persistence in the faith He has given her. Marry a lady who greets every grand blessing with sujud and tears.

Marry a lady whose heart melts before the power of His Words, who contemplates the sorrow that would be wrought in the discovery of her sins. And yet, remembers the unspeakable joy at the glad tidings of His Gardens. Marry a lady whose heart never allows her to forget the wrenching matters of the land to come.

Marry a lady who has her kind eyes seized on all her companions, who is affectionate toward the bashful, tender toward the lonely. Marry a lady who is rarely outstanding in conversation, and never tiresome.

Marry a lady who makes light of her deeds when she performs them. Marry a lady who never speaks of herself except and unless when obliged, who never defends herself by a sheer snap; who has no ear for malign or gossip, and who is quick to give excuse to those who hinder with her. Marry a lady who interprets everything for the best.

Marry a lady who is kind,  honest and has good dhann of her Lord; who forgives those who harm her, and treats her salafi brothers and sisters as her own flesh and blood, who helps those who are oppressed and distressed and who never considers herself superior to anyone, no matter how inferior.

Marry a lady who never signifies anything with her disputes, who never takes iniquitous advantage of others, and who never takes personalities or jagged sayings for arguments. Marry a lady who is patient, and forbearing; who surrenders to pain because it is expected, to mourning, because it is irrevocable, and to death because it is her destiny.

Marry a lady who invokes while blinded with tears, that He makes her a lover of Him, a lover of everyone who loves Him, and a lover of any action that may bring her closer to loving Him.

Marry a lady who is wholly sparked to seeking His Face, who wouldn’t hesitate to pack her bag and take off to seek knowledge in lands of timely scholars and students of knowledge, who merely desires to experience the fruitful taste of eemaan.

Marry a lady who, after Fajr, speaks to not a soul and whose hands are callused by du’aa, her heart on fire, calling out devotion to Allaah in an atmosphere already on fire. Marry a lady who only eats to stand up for night prayer, who only sleeps so that her limbs may energize for His sake. Marry a lady whose every inch shall perish if Allaah does not forgive her.

Marry a lady who shall use her intelligence to discover more ways of appreciating her husband. Marry a lady who is there for him, who loves him. Who loves him, who loves him, who loves him. Marry a lady who stays awake against the darkness of night, untainted by slumber, when her husband is upset. Marry a lady who does not blink an eyelash when her husband is angry with her. Marry a lady who loves her husband above all things, even books (or maybe a page). Marry a lady whose love for her husband is a universe of beaches, whose arms love him, her ears obey him.

Marry a lady who enhances her mind from the texts of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. Marry a lady who adventures into archives and old-dust filled books of Muhaditheen and Mashayakh. Marry a lady who is imprisoned in the books of tafseer, in their words, in the definitions of righteousness and Paradise.

Marry a lady who lies down by the side of books and remembers the smudged ink behind the crimson-covered books that tells her of the merit of good-doing, that only the sincere shall be saved, that Allaah will raise those blind who forget Him, she remembers all the living and the dying, and those a people who testified to disbelief against the clear manifested signs of Allaah. Marry a lady who drowns at the mere reminder of being amongst the hypocrites. Marry a lady whose skin melts, whose bones crush at the mere thought that she shall be handed the book to her left hand.

Marry a lady who smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance that if she performs good deeds, she shall surpass the hoor al-’ayn. Marry a lady who harbours an increasing amount of love towards her Lord. Marry a lady who never feels dreadfully overwhelmed and lonely, for how could she be friendless when she has the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu ‘alayhe wasallam) to keep her company? Marry a lady who sticks to the ground, whose wing is lowered, whose garments are beautiful, whose heart more so.

Marry a lady who has seized the reminders of patience in a bottle, who collected them for emergencies, to find luxury and reward in calamities. Marry a lady who paints her abode in the image of verses, ahaadeeth, and tafseer, who never paints components of the Shaytaan. Marry a lady who prays to sacrifice her very self to Him, and Him Alone.

Marry a lady who travels the very far and so very troublesome distances to increase in knowledge. Marry a woman who crosses mountains, deserts and towns to obtain a small piece of knowledge to be applied beautifully and utterly.

Marry a lady who hopes for Him, hoping for Him..

Marry her.

1 comment:

  1. salamunalaikum!

    Allahuakber! who wrote this?

    Surely blessed is he and will be he whom the most blessed provides with such a lady.
