Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who can do Al-Jarh wat-Ta’deel?

Who are refutations to be accepted from? Who has the right to perform Al-Jarh (declaration of unreliability) and At-Ta’deel (affirming someone’s integrity)? Who has the right to make At-Tafseeq (declaring someone an immoral sinner) and At-Tabdee’ (declaring someone an innovator)?

Ash-Shaikh An-Najmee (may Allaah preserve him) said in Al-Fataawaa Al-Jaliyyah, volume 2:
Question 32: Is it permissible for a well-grounded student of knowledge to declare someone an innovator, or declare someone a disbeliever, or is this something specifically reserved for the people of knowledge?

Answer: It is not permissible for the beginning student of knowledge to declare someone an innovator, or declare someone a disbeliever until he is qualified to do that. And he must refer the matter back to the senior (Kibaar) people of knowledge in particular, because Allaah, the Most High, says: “If only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly).” (An-Nisaa:83)

Question 80: Is it for the beginning student of knowledge to declare men (people) unreliable or affirm people’s integrity (i.e. perform Al-Jarh wat-Ta’deel), and declare people innovators without referring back to an evidence?

Answer: It is not appropriate for the beginning student of knowledge to declare people unreliable (Jarh), or declare people innovators (Tabdee’) from his ownself. However, he must take from the statement of the people of knowledge who are considered (authorities). And there is no harm in him speaking from one of the scholars if he is sure of their statement in declaring someone unreliable (At-Tajreeh). And Allaah is the Giver of success.

Question 93: What is the specific rule regarding innovation and when is it permissible for me to describe a person with it (i.e. saying so-and-so is an innovator)?

Answer: Firstly, innovation is introducing into the religion what is not from it… (then the Shaikh spoke about innovation and its categories).

Secondly, the matter of describing someone with innovation and boycotting the innovator, this is (for) whoever the scholars declare to be an innovator. And do not be hasty O you small students, to pass judgment on any person with the declaration of innovation, even if the person has with him an innovation, until you present that back to the scholars and they assist you in that. Without this (referring back to the scholars), then you all do not do anything of that.

And the Shaikh (may Allaah preserve him) said in a phone conversation with him:

Firstly, that the common people and the beginning students of knowledge, it is not appropriate for them to be hasty in passing judgments on others besides them until they refer back to the people of knowledge, who are greater than themselves, and those who know these affairs. Indeed they have dealt with these affairs for a long time. And the matter is that not everyone who ascribes himself to As-Salafiyyah or he ascribes himself to the people of Hadeeth, then the matter is finished with everything he says being considered right guidance. This statement is not correct, is it not so?

Conveyed from Sahab net.

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