Saturday, April 2, 2011

Personal 99

More and more I realize alot of people don't know what salafiyah is & some actually think is a different sect which is a shame subhanAllah, but I understand where they come from because there really aren't enough people speaking about it at conferences and what not. So the search is minimum if you don't know where to begin to look =S Yesterday at a halaqa that was the topic, Salafiyah and what it is & just clearing some misconceptions up & there was one sister that at first was not understanding at all so she was questioning alot, but alhamdulilah by Allah she started to understand everything aswell as the sisters all trying to explain it to her were much informed on how to address people in a very respectful manner with this somewhat difficult topic to speak about. Alhamdulilah we need more gatherings like this =) InshaAllah!

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