Thursday, April 7, 2011

Personal 102

I'll never understand why some sisters wear the niqab but wear pants :S, it will never sit easy with me that people do that, where is your proof? SubhanAllah if I'm confused I can only imagine what the common Non-Believer is thinking about it. This is why muslims need to understand that everything we do is Dawah(call) to Islam; if we all look different in clothing why would they believe us when we tell them what clothing in Islam is? I wouldn't buy it myself. ALOT of us need to understand that blind following and not becoming well informed about a topic in islam and just going about it with our desires is only harming our Ummah. I always see sisters like this downtown but today I witnessed it at school which shocked me; I wanted to ask the sister but then I thought it might bring me more harm then benefit since questions trigger emotions these days- wallahu alam and I didn't want her to feel bad sigh. Maybe we need more workshops showing sisters and brothers a more hands on approach to Islam and actually helping them figure out how to apply knowledge instead of feeding it to them through words. University is theory based, College is a more hands on. I think we need options like that too when it comes to conferences there should be small workshops people can attend on the side. Allahu Mustaan,Ameen Everyone knows the best knowledge is the knowledge that is applied.

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