Friday, April 8, 2011

‘’The Characteristics of the Pious Wife’’

Some Beneficial Points Taken from A Small Risaalah Titled: ‘’The Characteristics of the Pious Wife’’ Written By Shaikh Abdur-Razzaaq Bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Badr (may Allaah preserve both the father and his son)

After praising Allaah and sending the peace and blessings of Allaah upon the Prophet, his family and companions, Shaikh Abdur-Razzaaq (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

To proceed:

Indeed, the subject matter of this Risaalah, whose title is ‘The Characteristics Of The Pious Wife’ is not speech and an address specifically (directed) at a young woman who has consented to marriage and is desirous of acquainting herself with the characteristics of a wife, in order to furnish and prepare herself in fulfilling, accomplishing and perfecting these (characteristics)

It is not also speech and an address specifically (directed) at a married woman who wishes for those characteristics of a pious wife, in order to observe and implement them in her life; just as it is not speech and an address specifically (directed) at the woman who has deficiencies, in order to rectify that which she has of deficiencies, and as a reminder of such deficiencies in order that she is made aware of its affair alongside her precious marriage life; rather it is speech, an address and a reminder beyond all of that.

It is a reminder to the father who wishes for his daughters and those under his care to (be given) a good nurturing and an honourable life, and to enter into marriage life with what is in agreement to that which Allaah and His Messenger intend to (be the purpose) of marriage; and that this Risaalah becomes an aid for him in reminding his (daughters and those under his care) of those precise legislated Islamic regulations and qualities, which a young woman is to be nurtured upon.

And this Risaalah is a reminder to the mother. She is the shepherd in her house and the one with responsibility over her house, and in giving directions to her daughters. Many daughters are brought up with various mannerisms and characteristics acquired from the mother.

This Risaalah is also a reminder to the callers to (Islaam) to give concern and importance to this affair, and to hasten in spreading these virtuous characteristics, praiseworthy manners and blessed endowments, so that they may become qualities preserved in daughters and the women in a society of Imaan and in the houses of the believers.

Particularly this age we live in; (it is an age) in which the woman is attacked; an attack that has not taken place (against) her in the history of the previous ages, taking into consideration the numerous publications, the many channels and numerous ways designed to ruin the chastity, nobility, perfection, decoration, adornment, Imaan, manners and (distinguished virtuous qualities) of the woman.

Indeed in the past it was not possible for (those) corrupt calls, (those) desires guided by personal interests and (those) wrong ideas to reach the woman, except through limited channels; either (through) an evil companion or similar to that, and thus she is made to have contact with some of the evil characteristics/qualities.

As for today, the woman is made to have contact with all the filth, vile and corrupt (affairs) of the world, whilst she in the innermost part of her bedroom, without leaving her house. The woman sits in the innermost part of her bedroom in front of a screen or the internet, or she is (made to have contact) with some of the lowly magazines/newspapers, and thus her intellect, thoughts and heart are infiltrated with every corruption and evil.

Therefore, she is in need of being righteous, chaste, committed and obedient to Allaah; (in order) to prevent herself from the passageways of evil, the means to evil and the doors to corruption.
The woman is also a great responsibility upon the one whom Allaah has placed in charge over her affairs. It is a great affair in need of (being given) profound importance and considerable attention.

So I say;

Under the shadow of this state of affairs, alongside remembering little and the rarity of reminders of the (distinguished) characteristics of Imaan, and the (distinguished) characteristics of virtue and the good qualities that are incumbent upon a woman to adorn herself with; thus weakness and a lack of mental strength and liability to failure under pressure has occurred in many women; and many types of shortcomings and divergent paths of defectiveness have become widespread amongst them.

To proceed:

So with regards to these remarks/statements about the characteristics of the pious wife, I ask Allaah [The Most Generous; The Lord of The Tremendous Throne] to put goodness and benefit in them; and that He makes these remarks/statements a key to goodness and a blockage in the face of evil; and that He put in these remarks/ statements a guidance for the hearts, a rectification for the souls and a path leading to The Lord of The Worlds in attainting His Pleasure and Love, and being distanced from that which annoys and angers Him.

To be continued……Inshaa-Allaah
Extracted on behalf of Markazus Salafi (Manchester) by Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullaah Bin Abee Bakr Bin Abdullaah Bin Abu Bakr Bin Umar Al Fulaani Al-Gambi

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