Sunday, March 13, 2011

Personal 85

Yesterday was sucha great day & filled with so much baraka, I don't even know where to begin because I had gone to Abu Taubah's session this weekend the HIGHLIGHT has to be the sisters ONLY session. Emotions ran high, & many questions sisters had were being answered. Abu Taubah is such an amazing person and May Allah reward him and his family, ameen. He relates to the youth and everyone can understand him because it doesn't feel like we're getting lecture by an elder but actually being spoken to by someone who understands our struggles as young muslimahs in the west. Many sisters had fiqh questions which was a plus for me because alot of their questions were mine aswell, alhamdulilah someone asked. The session lasted longer then expected and I can honestly say every sister there benefited in one way or another. But something I didn't like was the fact that some sisters were brave enough to challenge him on some serious topics that we shouldn't be asking about since our knowledge isn't on that level and we are vulnerable at this stage not having memorized the quran and knowing arabic perfectly..we have no say so I just didn't get why some sisters thought they could talk back and cut him as he answered their questions? --> just listen. This is a fundamental part of gaining knowledge LISTENING & learning from our mistakes. Btw the night was amazing I loved every minute of it; I have never met another person male or female that has done what Abu Taubah has done for the toronto youth, May Allah grant him Jannahtul Firdous, Ameen<3 He deserves the credit even tho he humbles himself, we are very fortunate to have him come to our city to teach us our deen. TabarakAllahh beautiful day&night. May Allah increase us all in beneficial knowledge, ameen.

p.s I love how he asked us "So who in this room wants to be a scholar?".. =)

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