Monday, March 7, 2011

Notes: Knowledge is only Attained through Six Things

All praise is due to Allaah.

Knowledge is only Attained through Six Things || Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson
It’s important to mention that some people give precedence to the one who is a hafidh. It might be said about someone that he memorized 70, 000 hadeeth or he’s memorized a 100, 000 hadeeth. His claim to scholarship is a large amount of memorized information.  But, no one from the scholars will endorse his knowledge as they can’t recognize his level of understanding. Thus it’s simply just memorization and in that way, the likes of this person is not to be given precedence over people who have understanding. Even if the latter’s memorization doesn’t match the former’s memorization. True knowledge in its application, implementation and the use of it to solve the problems of the whole world isn’t limited to a memorization of a text. It goes beyond that. It goes to applying that text; it goes to real life situations. So again we do not given precedence to lots of memorization over understanding in the religion.

Ash-Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymi (haafidahullaahu ta’aala) used to recite these two lines of poetry to his students and one time he gave a short explanation for those lines of poetry.

“Intelligence is something Allaah (subhanaahu wa ta’aala) gives to many people. However, some people use it to aid ignorance or evil, or to promote filthy ideas of falsehood. If a person uses that intelligence for beneficial knowledge, paired with righteous actions, then it will benefit him. And if he uses it for other than that, then it will only be a proof against him.”

Download Knowledge is only Attained through Six Things.

Should any mistakes that I haven’t observed become apparent, please do not hesitate to contact me. If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah jala jallaluh. if there are any deficiencies and errors, then that is due to my own shortcomings and the shayaateen, I seek refuge in Allaah from them.

Filed under: Moosaa Richardson, Notes

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