Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is the ruling of women dancing amongst themselves during a wedding or other than that? + 2 other fatwas

Shaykh Saleh Fawzaan hafithullah said:

May Allah's benevolence be upon you, respected Shaykh, the enquirer asks: In the tape shops, there are tapes where there are recordings of al-duff being played accompanied by young women/teenage girls saying nashids. Teenage girls and women listen to these tapes on Eid with the excuse that al-duff is allowed on the Day of Eid. What is the ruling on this? 

The ruling is that this is not allowed. This [activity] teaches young women false frivolity and singing; it spoils young Muslim women and makes them become silly. Accordingly, these tapes must be destroyed, they must be destroyed. Singing on 'Eid was not allowed by the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) except for young girls; minors who were not legally liable for their actions. [They were] young girls [who had not reached puberty], not females who were legally bound by Islamic law (i.e. those who had reached puberty). Women who are grown up and legally bound by the commandments of Islam are not permitted to sing or behave frivolously.

Also shaykh Fawzaan was asked 


What is the ruling of women dancing amongst themselves during a wedding or other than that? May Allaah reward you.


There is no harm in the dancing of women on the ocassion of marriage and the beating of the duff (a simple drum) along with some singing of virtuous songs (not containing sinful speech) - because this is from the announcement of the marriage that has been commanded by the sharee'ah - However with the condition that this is done in the company of women only, with voices that are not raised so that they pass outside of the venue, and with the condition that there is complete seclusion and screening. Also that the awrah (the areas of the body that should be concealed) are not revealed whilst dancing, such as her legs, or her arms or her upper arms - and that which is shown from these is in accordance with the customs/habits of the Muslim women in the presense of (other) women.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
"Al-Muntaqaa", ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan, 2/172,172.

Shaykh Al Albani Rahimullah mentions: 

Question: What is the ruling on the nasheeds (songs) that are circulating amongst many of the
youth and which they call "Islaamic nasheeds?"

Answer: If these nasheeds possess Islaamic meanings, and there aren't any stringed or musical
instruments accompanying them, such as the Duff, the drum and its types, then there is no problem with it. However, an important condition to its permissibility must be clarified. And it is that they must be free of anything that opposes the Religion, such as going to extremes and its sorts. Also, there is another condition. And it is that it must not be taken as a (habitual) practice. This is since it turns those who (constantly) listen to it away from reciting the Qur'aan, which the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet encourages. Likewise, it turns them away from seeking beneficial knowledge and calling towards Allaah (i.e. da'wah), the One free of all defects.  

As for using the duff with the
nasheed, then it is permissible for the women when it occurs (solely) amongst them, apart from the men. And it is permissible during the time of 'Eed and marriage only.  [Al-Asaalah, Issue #2]

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