Friday, January 21, 2011

Personal 58

Authobillah, I am so outraged at this moment after finding out a random anonymous person commented on my friends blog box saying something so horrible about Allah(swt). Like I don't understand what type of low-minded, ignorant, despicable person would go out of their way to say something about God (Allah in arabic). Have you no shame? do you not believe in any faith? cause clearly a statement like that does not indicate that they believe in anything that's higher then a billboard sign. If you don't like a belief or have your own opinions about it get a journal; diary whatever to let your wicked thoughts out on & so that they can be a proof against you as well. If that anonymous person ever reads this [I hope they do] just know that your existence in this world means nothing if all you do is bash other peoples beliefs just because they don't satisfy your evil, lustful thoughts. I feel bad for my friend because now she has to disable comment boxes because of one BAD HORRIBLE DISGUSTING apple. People like that honestly have way too much time on their hands..get a hobby.


  1. Authoobillah, I leave it with Allah 'azzwajal to deal with, He is the Most Just and best of Judges. May Allah guide this person to the Haqq.

    Jazakullah Khair "Qawlan Saqeela"

  2. "When Allah Alone is Mentioned, The Hearts of Those Who Deny The Hereafter Are Disgusted" --- Surah Zumar

  3. Wa Iyaki Hun; Alhamdulilah

    && SubhanAllah that ayat is amazing, yet so scary.
