Sunday, December 12, 2010

Personal 20

I love bumping into people who I have not seen in a while, just feels really nice knowing their doing well & that we can actually have alot of things to discuss since not having the chance to see eachother. Living different lives I realize you lose certain people down the road in life & pick up others but it's always great to catch up with someone whom you've known your whole life subhanAllah ! We're all living busy lives so we follow the route that's best for us & hope the best for other people we lose on the way. Alhamdulilah that happened to me today while I was out with a friend of mine, I bumped into a long time friend (elementary&highschool friend) & I was so happy & thrilled to see her [ I haven't seen for a LONG time] & alhamdulilah she's doing well so I guess I have another meet up date soon loool =D

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