Sunday, November 7, 2010


InshaAllah I invite you to race me,

Race me to Jannah
Race me to Allah's pleasure
Race me to the Hereafter
Race me to the Gates of Rahma

Let's race together to get to this destination, to this promise Allah(swt) has made.
& Allah never breaks a promise.

So what stops you from attaining this?

We race to be the best in this dunya, in grades, money, worldly matters
but what about the Hereafter.

What have we prepared to show for all this time we've been alive?

I am no better then you, & only strive to see the face of Allah.
may Allah make me sincere, ameen.

Lets take heed of these next 9 days, lets indulge in IBAADAH (WORSHIP) to the one Above.

My Lord & Your Lord.
Creator of the Heavens & Earth.

Don't delay anymore.

Just from a sister whose looking out for your Ahkira.

May Allah Make It Easy For Us All, Ameen.

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