Saturday, November 6, 2010

Knowledge & Humility

1. Imaam adh-Dhahabee (d.748H) - rahimahullaah - said:

"Whosoever seeks knowledge for actions, then his knowledge makes him humble and fearful, and causes him to weep at (the deficiencies in) himself. But whosoever seeks knowledge for the sake of merely teaching, giving verdicts, in order to brag, or to show-off; becomes foolish and arrogant and looks down in contempt at the people, and is destroyed by pride, and the people hate him.

"Truly he succeeds who purifies his soul and he fails who corrupts it."
[Sooratush Shams 91:9-10]
Meaning that it is corrupted with sin and disobedience." [3]

2. Sufyaan ath-Thawree said:
"Knowledge calls for action, if the call is answered it stays, otherwise the knowledge departs and leaves.

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