Saturday, November 6, 2010

Battle of the Nafs.

Battle of the Nafs.

Round I

A small voice, calls faintly,
unrecognized, amidst the confusion
"I am the desires of your nafs" she says,
as she apologizes for the intrusion
but the sincerity in her voice is questionable
because these intrusions have come too often,
they are indeed,
to suddell, too planned to be oft forgiven

"Just wait" she whispers,
as I begin my wudu, as if its like,
prayer can wait like death can wait
but really,

the sad reality clouds my visions,
"Go forth" she beacons,
as I speak,laugh and gaze at the haraam,
Her smile only grows wider, at another victory
to add to her ever-growing collection,

Round II

She saw him one day,
they smiled,
It was a day like any other,
the brother lowered his gaze,
but something had changed in both
of their hearts as shaytan whispered incessantly,
Soon after emails exchanged hands,
like hands exchange money
but this transaction would only lead to
debt in the hereafter,
Little did they realize the wrong as,
they began with a chat,
like you know sister and brother,
not mahrams, but its okay right?
They spoke about,
something to do with Islam,
as it always is,
Until the one day they professed,
their undying "like" for one another,
you see, it then led from there and
they met in person,
The intentions were white as snow,
"but it was so pure" they said
so pure in fact that
shaytaan was the third in the room.

Round III

The Intruder returns,
She leans forward to whisper again,
But this time I refuse to listen,
I stop her in her tracks,
my hand placed over her mouth,
covering the doubts she spews,

Her voice is now muffled,
but I can still make out the words,
"just wait" she says like prayer can wait
like tawbah can wait,
like death can wait,
but really,

I conclude,
This intruders desires are too much,
She will never be happy-
unless she is given her full,
and to fufill her desire, would be to empty
the eman from my heart,

So I push this creature away,
only to realize she is already gone,
goodbye I whisper, desires of the nafs,
for today that is, but I know you will return,
in the coming,
seconds, minutes, hours,
and when the time reaches,
for our next battle,
I will be waiting...
A little bit bruised,
And alot more stronger.


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